I don't have a lot of time to post, but just wanted to make an official announcement.
Miss Presley Elizabeth has arrived!
She was born on December 29th at 6:33am. She weighed 7 lbs. 12ounces and was 20.5 inches long.
We love her more than we ever imagined possible.
(I promise I'll give the whole story as soon as things slow down a bit. It's actually pretty funny).
Thursday, December 31, 2009
She's Here!
Posted by
11:12 AM
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas 2009
WARNING: Long post with lots of pics. If you don't make it to the end, I completely understand.
If I'm writing this post, it must mean that Christmas has already come and gone. Seriously???? I wait in anticipation all year and it goes by so fast. We had a wonderful Christmas this year even though Santa didn't bring me the present I wanted most...
Our families live in different cities, so Brandon and I rotate holidays every year. It was our turn to spend Christmas with Brandon's family. Since my sister in law, Brittani, lives in Georgia with her husband, and my other sister in law, Brooke, lives in Houston, it's pretty rare to have everyone under one roof (I'm pretty sure that was a run-on sentence). We really treasure the time we get to spend all together and always have so much fun!
This Christmas Eve we decided that everyone was going to wear Christmas t-shirts.
I could only find one that fit, and by fit I mean a shirt that didn't bare the belly. Were thinking the next Christmas we may have to get a little crazy and do a "tacky Christmas sweater" Christmas eve!
We also got an unexpected gift this Christmas. Our very first White Christmas!
This Christmas was also extra special to Brandon and me because it was the first one we were able to spend in our house. We were determined to drive home on Christmas eve, which probably wasn't the wisest decision. We saw about 30 wrecks on the way home from all the ice. Woops! Anyway, we made it home safe and had a wonderful Christmas morning together.
This is what we woke up to on Christmas morning.
Santa payed us a visit
He was also kind enough to leave presents for Presley even though she wasn't technically here to open them.
Santa aka Mom surprised me with a kindle! I wanted one so bad!
Brandon was very excited about his new jacket. This one is extra special because cat hair won't accumulate on it. We have a hair control problem at our house.
As soon as we opened our presents and stuffed our faces with orange rolls, (baking orange rolls is a Sunday morning tradition in our house, but we decided Christmas would be a great excuse to have them) we headed back out to Brandon's parents to spend Christmas day.
I think this wins the prize for cutest stocking stuffer!
Opening Presents
Brandon doing what he does best!
After all the presents were open, we left to have Christmas at Brandon's Aunt Kathleen's house.
All the cousins
Our last stop of the day was to visit Nana in the rehab center. We wish she could have been home for Christmas, but we made the most of it. Well, most of us did anyway...
All the grand kids with Nana
We also made it out to the "Prairie Lights" in Grand Prairie. Technically this was the day after Christmas, but we try and prolong Christmas as much as possible.
You can barely see us, sorry! (It's Brandon, Shai, Brooke, Britt, Heath, and I in the pic)
Brandon and I...oh, and Presley...still cozy in my belly!
This was another wonderful Souders' Christmas! Of course, I missed seeing my family this year, but they will all be up this week. On Tuesday, we will officially be one family member bigger...
Posted by
5:31 AM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
10 Months!
I'm pretty sure I specifically asked Miss Priss not to make me write a post titled 10 months...
Anywhoo, I have officially made it to my due date. There were times when I thought December 23rd would never come. It was so surreal looking at the baby Souders countdown on my blog and seeing 40 weeks. Brandon also woke up this morning and wished me a "Happy Due Date". I love it! Happy due date to me! We decided to celebrate by stopping for donuts and kolaches!! Yum!!!
We also had a doctor's appointment today to just make sure nothing had drastically changed. I had a little more progress from Monday. I'm still only 1 cm dilated, but I'm now 80% effaced. The doc said that I have absolutely no more room in my belly, and is guessing this little babe might weigh in the high 7's!!! I also lost weight from Monday, so that's pretty awesome. However, seeing as Christmas eve is tomorrow, I'm pretty sure that weight I lost will find its way right back. We ended the appointment deciding that I will go into the hospital Monday night and be induced super early Tuesday morning!!!! Assuming she doesn't come on her own, it looks like Miss Priss will have a birthday on December 29th.
Brandon has been feeling pretty down lately about the baby not being here yet. He was hoping to get time with her this week and next before going back to work. Since we have no control over her arrival (until she is evicted on Tuesday), we have been trying to do things to pass the time. We finally tried Twisted Root burger company in Deep Ellum. This place is amazing, and I can't wait to go back and try their amaretto oreo shake when I am no longer with child. We also went to see "The Blind Side". If you haven't seen it, you need to! Then we decided to get a little creative and decorate Christmas t-shirts. They are super tacky, but we had so much fun. Here's a little preview:(Please ignore the horrible mess in my dinning room).
Brandon and I are also looking forward to spending our first Christmas morning in our house (last year, we closed on December 22nd and then drove straight to Houston to spend the holidays with my family). We have been busy buying stocking stuffers, wrapping each others presents, and preparing a Christmas breakfast. We had a little talk with Santa and he has agreed to bring Presley presents this year even though she will probably still be nice and cozy in my belly.
Once again, I just want to thank everyone for all their love and support. I walked out of my doctor's appointment with about 17 texts and voice mail messages waiting to hear the latest on Presley. It made our day! I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Christmas. I plan on taking full advantage of the belly this year and eating my way through the holidays.
Posted by
12:15 PM
Monday, December 21, 2009
1 is the Lonliest Number...
Well, I had my doctor's appointment today.
I am now dilated to a 1. Yay!
It's not enough progress to be induced tomorrow. Boo!
I was REALLY hoping that 1 cm would be enough, but it's not. So I'm still here and still pregnant. I have an appointment on Wednesday, so I'll update again then. Thanks to everyone who sent me good luck wishes this morning. Also, a little confession. I was pretty bummed after the appointment, so I came home and opened up Brandon's stocking Candy that I bought. I have pretty much eaten through it, so now I'm off to the store to replenish his sad supply.
Posted by
1:16 PM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thank You!
Just a quick little post! We wanted to tell everyone thank you so much for all the phone calls, emails, Facebook posts/messages, cards, texts, letters etc. that we have received letting us know how excited everyone is for Presley to arrive. It's so sweet and means so much to us. I have saved every card that has been sent (Mamaw, I believe your guilty of sending about 20). We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends! Your excitement makes this experience so special for us.
Here is the latest picture of my belly. I really really really don't think it can get any bigger. Can it???
Posted by
10:36 AM
Friday, December 18, 2009
Well, it looks like we made it to the final countdown. I'm exactly 5 days away from my due date. In honor of those 5 days, I think I'll share the top 5 things I LOVE about being preggo and the 5 things that I, well, don't love so much.
5 reasons I LOVE being preggers (in no particular order):
1. I can get as full as I want and nobody can tell (I can also double as Santa this year).
2. Feeling this sweet baby move, kick, wiggle and hiccup inside of me
3. Watching Brandon talk to my belly in a rather high pitched voice
4. Having random strangers give up their seats or bring me chairs so I can sit down.
5. Knowing that I have two hearts inside of me.
5 things that aren't so great about being Preggo:
1. I really miss wine
2. Watching the scale go up instead of down
3. Random strangers telling me how huge I am
4. Linea Negra (yes, I have the ugly line that goes all the way down the belly. I hear it goes away. We'll see).
5.Having to go potty 20 billion times a day/night
In all seriousness, I have had a wonderful pregnancy. Even at almost 10 months preggo (yikes!), I feel really good. As excited as I am to have this little babe, I think I might actually miss carrying her around inside me. However, I'm way more excited to finally get to see her. It's so close!!!! I can hardly stand it!!!!!
Dear Presley Elizabeth,
You are our sweet gift from God and have already brought so much joy to our lives. I get to meet you any day now, and it's almost too much to take. I dream about what your little hand will feel like wrapped around my finger or what it will feel like to kiss your tiny toes. We loved you from the moment we found out God had blessed us with you, but everyday we fall more and more in love with you. Watching you wiggle around in my tummy is one of my favorite things to do, and your always doing some crazy move that makes Daddy and I laugh out loud. Thank you for all the laughter, love, and joy that you have already brought into our lives.
Your Mommy and Daddy
Posted by
7:49 AM
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Dear Santa,
I know I'm a little old to be writing you a letter, but I have a very special request this year. I was wondering if I could possibly have my Christmas present a little early? What I want more then anything is to have our sweet baby girl here before Christmas day. I know it's probably not fair for me to get my gift early, while everyone else around the world has to wait. However, I feel this year, out of all others, I have been extra good. Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Ok, so onto other things! Today, I have officially entered into the last week of my 9th month. Crazy to think I've been pregnant for 39 weeks!!!!! I had my doctors appointment this morning and got better news then the week before. My cervix has started to thin and baby girls head is engaged. However, I have barely dilated...like not even a full centimeter. The best news is that she wants to see me back on Monday morning ,and if things look favorable, then I will go into the hospital Monday night....and drum roll, please..........be induced Tuesday morning!!!!!! I'm really trying not to get my hopes up because if nothing has changed then they won't do anything until the 28th, yuck (assuming she doesn't come on her own). I also gained a half of a pound this week, which brings my total weight gain to 23 lbs.!!!! So much for my goal of 20, sigh.
Here is my 39 week belly and yes, I'm well aware it looks like I have a poinsettia growing out of my behind. Thanks!
Anywhoo, I just wanted to brag on my sweet husband a little. He came home last night with the cutest outfit for Presley. He went shopping all by himself, and said that he wanted to get her a little something on his own. First, he informed me that he knew how picky I was about baby clothes, and was afraid that I wouldn't like it (I'm not a huge fan of baby clothes that look, well, babyish). This made me feel like a terrible person, especially when I saw how proud he was that I really liked the outfit he'd chosen. This little babe is so blessed to have such a wonderful Daddy, and one with good fashion sense I might add. Ahhh....I can't wait to see her in it! Hopefully, I will only have to wait 6 more days.
Posted by
2:54 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009
We're having a baby !?!
Obviously, Brandon and I are well aware that I'm pregnant. However, every now and then we have moments where we look at each other and are in complete disbelief that there will actually be a baby when all is said and done. After the third time Brandon told Presley she needed to hurry up, we thought it might be smart to take some of our own advice. If she were to come early, we would have been (for lack of a better term) screwed. We had no bag packed, no car seat installed, the infant car seat adapter to our stroller was still in the package, and the list goes on. So we took advantage of this past weekend, and got a lot knocked off the To Do list. The term "hurry up and wait" is currently ringing in my ears.
This is Brandon installing the infant car seat adaptor. He might have asked me not to put this picture on my blog (he didn't want to be photographed in his "space suit pants"), but I'm pretty sure I just heard him wrong.
The finished product!
The last row of seats have been removed to make room for our gigantic stroller
We also installed the car seat. It's crazy driving around and then looking back to see a CAR SEAT in the back of the car! It makes my heart jump every time.
We also discovered how massive this car seat is. It takes up a lot more room than we anticipated.
The only thing we still need to buy is newborn diapers. I'm guessing that might be pretty important?? I also need to finish packing a bag. Presley has everything she needs, but Momma does not.I HATE to pack, so I keep putting it off. So, other than the fact that I might be leaving the hospital naked, we're ready to go!
Posted by
10:00 PM
Let there be light
Christmas lights that is. Yes, we have finally finished putting lights up around the outside of the house. It only took 2 days, and Brandon may or may not have gotten stuck on the roof...
Posted by
9:02 AM
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies...
Seriously, I'm at the point where I would rather hear a lie then the truth, so go ahead!
For example:
The truth: My doctor told me today that there had been no change.
The lie I would rather hear: Your 4 cm dilated and baby will be here by tomorrow!
The truth: The earliest I will be induced is the 28th
The lie I prefer: No need to wait that long, pick any day you like
The truth: I'm waddeling
The little white lie: Totally NOT waddeling
The truth: A few...ok, Some...ok, most of Brandon's shirts are tight on me
The lie I want him to tell me: Your belly isn't that big. They shrunk in the dryer. All of them...
Ok ok, you get the point. So on to other news. I am 38 weeks today! yay! I went to the doctor (as if you hadn't already guessed from my previous statements) and found out that Presley is for sure head down. Of course, I doubted the doc even after she told me she could FEEL her head. I think she sensed that I wasn't convinced, so she stole the sonogram machine out of the room next door to prove it to me. Also, I didn't gain any weight this time. HALLELUJAH!! The bad news is I am not dilated or effaced. For my sanity, I'm choosing to ignore this bit of information. I'm also choosing to ignore the fact that they won't induce me until the 28th of December. That's 5 whole days after my due date! I would just like to add that I am not above begging, and plan to do so at my next appointment to get a better induction date. Seriously though, the most important thing to me is that she is healthy and happy. If that means cooking her for a little longer, then I'm glad to do it.
I guess it's a good thing Miss Priss isn't quite ready to make her grand appearance as I have yet to pack a bag, install her car seat and finish buying some much needed items off our registry. Christmas decorating sort of took over. I know, I know...my priorities. Anyway, Brandon is taking the next two days off of work to help get everything bought, installed and put together. So that about wraps up all the most recent updates. If you need me, I'll either be power walking or driving back and forth over speed bumps. Whichever gets the baby here faster...
Posted by
1:18 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ring Dunk, Thanksgiving, and a Car
I took my last trip to Houston before Miss Priss arrives, and we filled it with as much as possible. I was there for a week and a half, but time always flies when your having fun! I love spending time at home. It' crazy to think the next time I go, I'll have a baby with me. Well, technically I have had a baby with me, but this time she will be on the outside!
We started the weekend in college Station for my Brothers ring dunk. I just have to say that I hate this tradition. It is painful for me to watch hungover college students chug an entire pitcher of beer, desperately trying not to come in last...or projectile vomit in front of everyone. That being said, my brother did awesome and he now has a very shiny Aggie ring to prove it. Here are some pics from the weekend.
Now onto Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I spent most of my time socializing instead of taking pics, so I don't have a lot to show. Also, the ones I took aren't very good. Oh, well.
I was in charge of the pumpkin pie, potatoes, and broccoli and cheese casserole. I love cooking, especially when it's super unhealthy!We even got to see my mother and sister-n-law on Thanksgiving. Let me tell you, it's very rare to see both sides of the family on a holiday.
We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving and have so so so much to be thankful for this year.
Last but not least, we made a rather large purchase on black Friday. However, it was much needed. My tiny Mustang just wasn't going to hold a car seat, stroller, and a baby. So here she is...our newest addition.
Posted by
2:14 AM
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
I big squishy heart decorating for Christmas! Let me tell you, I don't just start decorating. I have very specific things that must be done in order to begin.
1. Put on new Christmas PJ's and warm fuzzy socks
2. Start a fire in the fire place
3. Turn the Christmas music on very loud (Brandon hates this).
4. Pour a big glass of wine/champagne (Don't worry, I substituted the alcohol for pumpkin bread this year).
Now, let the decorating Begin!
Christmas tree in the living room. We somehow misplaced our good box of ornaments and tree topper, so it's still a work in progress.
Entry Hall
Our SECOND Christmas tree. Yes, I have two...
The front door
The outside lights aren't up yet. We seriously underestimated how tall the outside of our house is. As soon as we get a ladder tall enough, I'll post pics. I know your on the edge of your seat waiting...
Happy December!
Posted by
8:52 AM