Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We've got Kicks!

This little lady is kicking up a storm lately! About a week ago, I started feeling these tiny muscle twitches. I didn't really think anything about it, until they kept happening. Finally, a light bulb went off in my head...the baby!I wanted Brandon to feel her ,so I decided we were going to plop ourselves on the couch while I enjoyed a few marshmallows. I realize feeding Miss Priss pure sugar to get her hyped up and kicking is not the best thing for a Mommy to do. However, desperate times call for desperate measures. Sure enough, about 5 marshmallows in(they were the tiny ones, and there may have been more then 5... but who's counting?), she was kicking like crazy. I believe Brandon's exact words were, "Wow, there really is a baby in there!". Well, I certainly hope so! I am also missing a lot of my favorite television shows because I would rather stare at my tummy. It's so cool to be able to feel her kicks from the inside and see it from the outside.

Dear Presley,
I woke up bright and early to your little kicks this morning, and it is probably one of the best ways in the world to be woken up! I would lay there all day if I could. However, when I'm about 38 weeks pregnant and no longer sleeping very well; maybe you could wait until a little later in the morning to begin kicking me. For now, kick away, Miss Priss.
your Mommy


Bethany said...

YAYYY!!! It is so fun when you start to feel them... just wait till she slithers all the way across your belly! Its so wierd :) but cool