Well, the stats are in! Miss Priss is weighing in at 13 lbs. 11 ounces (50th percentile) and is 24.5 inches long (between the 50-75th percentile). Her head has also moved up into the 5oth percentile. Woo Hoo! She used to have a very tiny head! Everything else looks great! The shots, however, did not go so well. She did AMAZING at her 2 month appointment, so I wasn't terribly worried about this one. My poor baby's face got redder then I have ever seen it when she got her vaccines. I was seriously concerned she might explode. She didn't for those that were wondering. Then it took about ten minutes to get her calmed down. After that, she was as happy as ever until later that evening. She started getting a tiny bit fussy, but nothing that concerned me. I put her to bed for the night and she woke up screaming bloody murder at midnight. This continued almost every 2 hours the...ENTIRE...night...
I hope her next round of vaccines go a little smoother for her.
and just because... here are some recent pics of P:
I think her choice of hand under chin pose suits her well.
Bubbles nicely covering her "lady parts"
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
She's so beautiful!!
David calls A's lady parts her "area" haha, and forbids me to take any naked pictures of her!
I love the striped outfit pic.....ADORABLE.
That's what happened with Bennett at his 2 month appointment, he didn't have a pacifier in his mouth and he turned bright red... 4 month appointment went a lot better than the 2 month one.
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