Tuesday, March 1, 2011

14 Months: the GOOD, the Bad, the UGLY

My baby is 14 months today.


Let's start with the GOOD, shall we?

  • Presley is the life of the party.Her personality lights up our entire house...and hearts.
  • She has more expressions than I can count, and I love every single one. 
  • She never stops talking. Never.
  • She loves to "boss" the animals around.
  • She gives lots of kisses, and knows when to use it to her advantage. As soon as I get on to her, she plants a huge kiss right smack on my lips. I mean, what's a Mom to do??
  • Her favorite word right now is "outside". I probably hear it 1,000 times a day. Thank goodness this weather has improved.
  • She's a dancing queen, and is currently into doing turns.
  • Loves animals.Unless it's a dog running full speed towards her (but that's neither here nor there).
  • She enjoys naming body parts, and then touching said "part". I get poked in the eyes and nose a lot.
  • Presley is a social butterfly. She loves to be around kids and adults. She is constantly waving, and blowing kisses to anyone (looking or not).

The Bad:
  • She is beginning to test me when I tell her no.
  • She also likes to tell me "NO". I don't think so, little lady (it's kinds cute though).
  • Since we have started whole milk, she has been very constipated. Suggestions welcome!
  • We are officially down to one nap. It's not really bad, but the extra break was welcome after hours of running after Presley.
  • She is currently into taking thing out.  It would be great if she was as excited about putting things back up.
  • She used to eat anything and everything, but is starting to get  picky.
  • She has a new face that she makes, and it is a very MEAN face. At first, I thought it was funny, but then she started doing it to strangers. It's kind of embarrassing.
  • She no longer enjoys taking a bath. In fact, she wont bend her knees when I put her in. Therefore, she baths standing up, while I hold onto her.
  •  Repeats her self over and over and over and over when she wants something. For Example,  "eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat" or "more, more, more, more, more" or " wawa, wawa, wawa, wawa, wawa".  Ummm,  wow!

Oh come one, did you really think I had anything to put here?


B said...

Hahaha - I can so relate! Ava is testing us bigtime, and is into tantrums like no one else I know! I am NOT loving it!

I wish that A talked more - she says a handful of words, but otherwise communicates by showing us what she wants. I can't wait until she actually verbalizes it more!!!

Emily said...

Oh I can relate! Asher is majorly into testing me these days. I tell him "no" about touching something that's off limits and he looks me right in the eye while getting his little hand closer and closer to it. It's infuriating! {but kind of funny too} Little stinkers!

I had to laugh about the bath thing. She really just stands in the tub while you wash her down? That's a hoot! I can't imagine that one lasting long. P will be back to loving baths soon!

aleelavine said...

What a great post. I lost track of the monthly posts and I feel terrible about that one....AGH. Momma's got too much going on, I guess. :'(
P sounds like she is growing into quite the young lady!!! Wow!!! Can you believe our babies are 14 months? I cannot!

Rene' said...

Awww, how cute! I love everything she is doing (the good and the bad!). I guess this is the age for testing limits, because Jack is starting to do it too. He looks at me or for me when he's about to do something he knows he shouldn't. It's hard to get mad at them when they're so darn cute!!

Happy 14 months!!