Friday, August 12, 2011

No Razor Required

We have been getting a little desperate for indoor activities around these parts. With a super energetic toddler, it's almost cruel to keep her cooped up inside. Therefore, my only option is coming up with new things to do indoors. After racking my brain for something fresh, an old favorite of my Pre-K kiddos came to mind.

Shaving Cream!!!

"Seriously Mom, your just going to squirt it right on the table"??

"Are you sure this is okay? I mean just look at my hand"!

"Ok, then. Let me just try it out a little bit more".

"Alright, this stuff is pretty cool".

"I'm just going to jump right in, if you don't mind".

 "Wow! Look at my messy hands"!!!


Michelle said...

Love this post!! Even 3rd graders like shaving cream.

Ashlie said...

Thanks, Aunt Michelle!!! I knew you would. Love you!!!

The Fants said...

Fun! That's a great idea! I always do this with my kids at school, but hadn't thought to do it with Bryson yet. :) Presley looks like she loved it!

Rene' said...

I love this!!! We use to do this with the 2 and 3 year olds at the daycare I worked at, and I've been wondering if Jack is ready for a messy activity like this. I picture him getting up and running all over the house, putting his hands on everything! That's why we haven't done finger paint yet. But I really want to!

Absolutely terrific photos!