Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday Phone Dump

Enjoying more awesome weather down at the Harbor. Presley loves to visit the giant fountain.

Presley showing Grammie the boats.

Presley and Poppa hanging out at the lighthouse.

Hunkering down in the bathroom because of the major outbreak of Tornados. It's amazing how fast the weather can change here. We spent almost 3 hours in the bathroom which was not the most fun with a toddler to entertain. Luckily, I had some blue foam soap that worked for a little while.

When the novelty wore off on the soap, I resorted to Easter candy (peeps). After it was eaten, we read lots of books, and played games on the iPad. Thankfully, we came away with no damage. Rockwall county was hit with the worst tornado that day (there were 13 confirmed in the DFW area), and I had a friend loose her entire house. She was alone with her 2 year old when it hit, and  they had to be pulled from the wreckage. I couldn't even imagine going through that.

Playing with daddy at the mall play place after seeing the Easter bunny.

We are spending Easter weekend with my family, and taking full advantage of the pool! I can't tell you how amazing it feels to float around while 8 months preggo. I might look like a beached whale, but it feels like Heaven to be weightless.

And what would a trip home be without doing a little shopping!?! Presley particularly enjoyed the shoe shopping.


Emily said...

I'm so glad you all were ok from the tornados. I didn't realize how bad it was until watching the morning news the next day. Scary!

Have a great Easter!