Saturday, July 28, 2012

Friday phone dump {on Saturday...again}

I have so many precious matching outfits for my girls. Every time I attempt a picture of them together, this is usually what I get. Maybe one day...

My sis in law sent me this pic of my nephew, Landon. Look at that precious plumbers booty!

Crashed out over Daddy's shoulder.

Modeling her swimwear from Aunt Melissa.

FINALLY!!! A somewhat decent picture of my two ladies.

This picture makes me laugh so hard every time I see it. Presley was playing in a teepee that used to be Brandon's when he was little. She kept sticking her head out of the back window and fussing at us about something (I can't remember what it was now. We get fussed at a lot by her). I'm not even going to say what this looks like.

Every time Presley kisses now, she holds your face in her hands. It is so sweet!!! She did, however, attempt to stick her tongue in my mouth in this picture??? I was a little taken a back if you can't tell by my face.

Presley making Harper smile with her silly faces.

Hehe, this face makes me laugh. All clean after bath time.

Presley and I made the most delicious baked oatmeal off of Pinterest. OMG! so delish! Sadly, it was very high in calories. In fact, it tasted more like a dessert than a breakfast.

Presley is always asking to hold Harper. It's always a little scary backing up to take a picture, but she is getting better and better at being gentle.

Well folks, there you have it! Another week come and gone. I guess we will see what next week has in store.


Karen said...

They are so adorable!

B said...

I wanted to make the baked oatmeal, too, but also worried about the calories!

Presley is such a beautiful big sister!

Brittani said...

HA! That teepee picture is hysterical!