Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Panama City 2010

Let me begin by saying "vacation" takes on a slightly different meaning when you have an almost 8 month old tagging along. It took almost a week to pack all the things that P might possibly need, and I had a knot in my stomach about the flight. I tend to imagine the worst... Anywhoo, Miss P was awesome on the plane and wonderful the entire trip (with the exception of a couple rough nights). Of course, I had about 12 extra hands to help me while we were there. Too bad I don't have those 12 extra hands helping me on a daily basis. Now for an onslaught of pictures!

The last time Brandon and I were in Panama City was 6 years ago when we got engaged, and we took pictures in this same spot. Pretty cool to be returning married and plus 1.

 This is the whole gang. My brother and sister in law, Heath and Brittani; Father and Mother in law aka Poppa and Grammie; my step-niece and her fiance, Emily and Adam, and sister in law and the BF, Brooke and Shai.

 My bikini babe hanging out on the beach.

We went to the dog track, and Brandon and I won NOTHING. However, it was "dollar beer dollar hot dog" night, so I guess that made up for it. Oh yeah, remember the aforementioned proposal? Brandon proposed 6 years ago on the beach after "dollar beer dollar hot dog" night. Gotta love him!

Miss P with Grammie and Poppa.

Squeezing into the big chair at our hotel. The next time we go, I think they might need to make a bigger chair.

Toes in the sand.

My Mom bought  matching cover ups in Cabo when I was 14 weeks pregnant with P. Good thing the doctor doing the NT scan was right about the sex, otherwise this pic would have looked pretty funny!

Putt-Putt Golf. I suck.Period, End of Story.


Florida was wonderful, and we always have such a great time when were all together. I'm already looking forward to the next time we go. Panama City Beach 2011, anyone???


Emily said...

Wow! This looks so beautiful! I love, love the family photo you posted first. And those matching cover-ups are too cute. I totally need a daughter some day. :o)

Glad you had a fun vacation!

Marissa said...

beautiful pictures and looks like you all had a wonderful time. Her bikini is simply PRECIOUS :) Florida wore her out!

aleelavine said...

Great pics!!! You guys are a beautiful fam! You make me want to start trying for a girl NOW. :)
P is precious, as usual. Now I want to go to the beach!!!! Glad to hear the trip went well though, and P did well on the plane. That would be my worst fear as well! We went to Chicago and drove 7.5+ hours and I was really prepared for B to have a breakdown 3 hours in, but he was a peach! We are lucky Mommas!