Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Phone Dump

Blowing and wishing on a dandelion

There she is in all her glory. That's my almost 8 month belly!

Little girl for sale and for the bargain price of $15.

Watching the birthday boy open his presents.

Supergirl watering the neighbors flowers.

 Cuddling on the couch before bedtime. Love this girl!

Now, it's daddy's turn.

My two loves! The weather was amazing, so we spent the day at the harbor on the lake.  I love our town!


I was seriously impressed with her walking skills in these heels. I don't even walk that well in them.

Picking out our treat from The Candy Jar Malt Shop.
Kiss (Karys) and Pressy looking a little too innocent...

I got to snuggle on, not one, but TWO newborns this week! I forgot my camera for baby Zoe, but remembered it for sweet baby Ava. Presley was a tad bit obsessed with Miss Ava. She could not keep her hands off of her, and has renamed all her babies Ava (even though P pronounces it Eva).

Caught a sweet smile in the rearview mirror on the way to MDO. Don't' worry, I was stopped.

I admit I have a problem. Here are P's latest Tom's. Burlap and flowers...I COULDN'T SAY NO.
Sweet Kash consoling Presley while she was sitting in time out for hitting him.
This week has been majorly busy, and the weekend is looking to be about the same. We MIGHT just start on the nursery. With less then two months to go, I should probably do something to get ready for baby Harper.


Jocelyn said...

Hi! My name is Jocelyn, and I clicked over to your blog after seeing a comment you left on Emily Wilkinson's blog. Emily and I "met" online a few months before our boys were born (my son is also a December 2009 baby). Also, I saw that you were wearing a UT shirt, so I wondered if you live in Texas (I live in Austin).

anika♥Lee said...

Love these ultimate favorite is the one with the sunglasses on... have you seen all of the little Instagram things you can do with the pics??? Over at fatmumslim... she listed a few on her latest post. So awesome!!!! :) LOVE the belly pic, of course.