Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sesame Street Live

This was quite the experience.  I was so excited about taking Presley to see Elmo. I just knew it would be the best time! Unfortunately, P came down with Strep and a virus the week of the show. I kept praying she would get better by the time Friday rolled around, and her fever finally broke the day before (after 6 days of very high fever). I knew she still felt pretty bad, but I assumed it was nothing Elmo couldn't fix.

I assumed wrong. 

She was terrible. She threw more fits in the few hours that we were there than she had all month. She was hitting, screaming, and crying. In other words, homegirl was a hot mess! Looking back, I probably should have kept her home. I was just so excited for her to see Sesame Street live. She did, however, enjoy most of the actual show. 

Before the show in her funky Elmo shirt. You can see in her eyes she just isn't feeling herself.

Head down on my shoulder. Should have taken that as a sign...

I did manage to get some pics of Presley when she wasn't throwing herself onto the ground:

 Presley and her sweet friend, Hayley

I think Presley felt at home next to Oscar the GROUCH!

I didn't get a single smile out of her the whole time, but at least she was looking at the camera.

And now for the fits:

Presley refusing to get off the ground.

Another crying fit

Now, we're just throwing ourselves on the floor.

Oh well, I guess we'll try again next year.

Here is a little video I got of P when the show began. You can't see very well in the video, but she kept bouncing up and down to the music, and she was smiling, woo hoo! 


anika♥Lee said...

I'm sorry to hear that it didn't go as planned.... but glad P still enjoyed the show, to an extent. :)
That last picture of you and P .. your eyes, WOW! :) You're lookin' good Momma!

The Fants said...

awww, poor thing! I know it was hard on you, too, because you know she would have LOVED every second of it any other day. Poor girl, hope she's feeling better!

P.S. you look great!

Emily said...

It's so hard when we want them to enjoy something and they just aren't up to it. Boy oh boy do they let us know too! Glad she enjoyed most of the show. Asher would love this!!

B said...

Aww, you poor dear! Tantrums suck in general, but in public, they're so much worse. I always feel like everyone is staring at me, like, "Why can't you stop her?" And Ava's got some LUNGS.

Glad she's feeling better, now, and that she at least enjoyed the music!