Thursday, March 22, 2012

Princess Presley

Last weekend, we got to go to the cutest 3rd birthday party. When my friend told me the kids were to come dressed in their favorite princess costume, I was totally stoked. Presley and I went out and found the sweetest little princess dress. Presley loved getting to be a princess! Yes, Heather, I'm totally stealing your party idea for next year.

Doing her best princess pose before the party  (Ugliest. Background. Ever, but P always gives her best smiles when she is standing on something she shouldn't).

Presley also thought the party was for her. When we walked in, she informed me this was her party, and that she was going to get presents and cake. I'm kind of glad we didn't have time to stay for presents because I think that might have been an issue.

My friend, Heather, had little plastic teacups set up for each of the kids. Presley, of course, gave Daddy the teeny tiny cup and she took his big one. Once they got the cups situated, they had their own little tea party together.

Happy 3rd birthday, Karys! And everyone reading the blog, pretend you didn't see this post when Presley has a similar princess themed party next year.


B said...

Haha - adorable!!! I love the idea also! We went to one like it over the summer for one of the bigger girl's friends,and Ava was definitely wondering why she wasn't dressed up!

Emily said...

SO cute! I love her little tea party with Daddy - so sweet. That really is a great party idea. Totally borrow it for P!

Heather said...

That is such an amazing idea! Care if I steal it too?! Ha!

Ms P sure is the cutest thing!