Friday, November 30, 2012

All Aboard!

Last Saturday, we all boarded a train to the North Pole. By all, I mean Grammie, Poppa, Aunt Brittani, Landon, Uncle Shai, Aunt Kadee, Alyssa, Lexi, and my crew. We were quite a group!

Before it was time to get on the train, we attempted to get some family pictures. I've pretty much given up hope of ever getting a decent family picture. We took five and these were the best two, oh well.

My little baby bundle watching the show before we boarded the train. Why yes, that is a passy in her mouth. She still isn't terribly thrilled about it, but likes it when she's sleepy. Previously, she would only take one from Grammie (the baby whisperer), but my passy pushing has worn her down.

 My sweet little nephew, Landon, clapping along to the music.

Once the show ended, we got to walk through a forest of Christmas trees, and it "snowed" on us. All the kids loved this! Then it was time to board the train. 
Daddy with two very excited kiddos.

Santa payed us a visit while on the train, and gave everyone their very own bell.

I love the look on P's face in this picture. So excited to see Santa!

Even Harper got a bell of her very own.

We attempted a few more pictures with Grammie and Poppa, but Presley wasn't having it.

She really just wanted to check out the Christmas lights and drink her hot chocolate. I guess I can't blame her. It sounds way more fun then posing for another picture.

( We did this last year, and loved it. If you are near Grapevine during the holiday season, I highly reccommend visiting the North Pole Express).


B said...

I was given free tickets to do one of these, but it turned out they were out in Palestine, TX - three hours each way! I still considered it because it sounded so fun!!!! I'm definitely going to have to find a way to do this next year!

The Fants said...

How fun! That's such a fun tradition for the whole family to get to be a part of!

We need to find time to take Bryson over there :)