Dear Presley Elizabeth,
In your short one month, you sure have changed our lives. I mean, who would have ever thought I would think someone's toots could be adorable, or that I would be over the moon for enough poopy diapers. Words like Butt, fart, and pee now sound horribly vulgar to my "mommy ears". This, I might add, is coming from someone who used to get in trouble for having a potty mouth. We have become quite a musical family. Daddy and I sing to you all the time. Sometimes frantically to stop you from crying. I also realized I could use a refresher course in lullabies, nursery rhymes and baby songs in general. I tend to half sing/ half hum because I have forgotten some of the words.
In one month, you have developed so much. Now that we can fully submerge you, you love bath time. You used to cry when you got in, and now you cry when we take you out. Crying during diaper changes has become a thing of the past. Thank goodness! You have also become quite vocal, especially when your sleeping. I mean, you are seriously loud! When I talk to you, you coo back but for the most part, your grunting. You have also begun to track things with your eyes. Everyday, I have some sort of toy shoved in your face so you get lots of practice. Tummy time is another part of our daily routine, and I must say, you rock! You hold your head up like a champ. Of course, with such a tiny head, you do have a slight advantage. You are also sleeping better. You now give mommy 3.5 to 4 hour stretches at night. Two nights ago you slept for 5 hours!!! However, instead of waking up refreshed, I was completely panicked that something was wrong.
In one month, you have grown so much. According to my scale, you are now 9.5lbs. It's starting to show a little bit, too. You have the cutest chub wrinkles on your thighs, and your belly has gotten big and round. Your newborn clothes are getting too small, but I refuse to put them away just yet.Even your hair seems to be getting longer. Speaking of your hair, we have dubbed it the Kate Gosselin hairdo. I either don't know what I'm doing. or you have a really bad cowlick in the back of your head.
In one month, YOU have made us better. YOU have taught us the meaning of being completely selfless. YOU have expanded our hearts more than we ever thought possible. YOU have taught us patience and teamwork. YOU are our everything, Miss Priss. We can't wait to see what YOU will do next month.
your Mommy and Daddy
Friday, January 29, 2010
One Month
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2:00 PM
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Hair Phenomenon
I have a blondie in the morning (right after I wash her hair).
And a brunette in the afternoon. What?
It might have something to do with the fact that I can't keep my hands off her tiny head. Thus leaving her hair greasy and dark. I guess only time will tell what color hair Miss Priss will have...
Posted by
9:54 AM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Confessions from a Scaredy Cat
Yep, that would be me. I confess that my baby monitor gives me the creep's. It might have a little something to do with watching "Paranormal Activity". Anyway, the monitor I have has a video camera on it, so I can see what Miss P is up to. Every time I look at it, I brace myself for something scary to pop up in the camera. I am well aware that this is completely irrational, but am frightened none the less. Hopefully, I can get passed this strange fear of mine. I'm weird, I know...
Posted by
9:51 AM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
3 Weeks!
Dear Presley Elizabeth,
Let me begin by saying that I will not write you a letter for every week of your life, so don't worry. After this, I will refrain to once a month.
So, today you are 3 weeks old, and this makes me a little sad. I know I should just be thankful for a healthy growing baby (and don't get me wrong, I am VERY thankful), but I feel like you are already growing so fast. While I was pregnant I wanted time to fly by, so I could meet you. Now, I want time to slow down.
In your short 3 weeks, you have changed so much. When you were first born, everyone thought you looked just like Daddy. Now, more and more people say you are beginning to resemble me. I still can't tell who you look like?? Your hair is getting lighter everyday. I guess we will have to wait and see if you will be a blondie like your Momma. You have also become a lot more vocal. Sometimes you make the sweetest little sounds and other times you make some very unladylike ones. The grunting is your newest thing and you do this a lot! You have also started to put on a little chub. I love the little rolls around your thighs and wrists.
As far as your temperment, my little chill child has become a tad diva-ish. You now need to be held all the time or your screaming at me. Thank goodness for the baby bjorn or I wouldn't get anything done. I'm hoping this is just a phase...
Night has gotten a lot better. You now give me 3 to 4 hour breaks in between feedings! Speaking of being fed, you always put your arm over your sweet face as if to block out the world.
You have also acquired many nicknames like Squeaker, Pez, and Monkey. Monkey is my nickname for you because of your crazy long toes. I love them and have to kiss them at least once a day.
I can't believe how much you have changed our world in these short three weeks. You have filled our hearts with more love than we ever thought possible. We are beyond blessed to have you in our lives.
Posted by
10:02 AM
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
2 Weeks
Dear Presley Elizabeth,
Yesterday you turned 2 weeks old. My how time flies! You have certainly changed from a week ago. Diaper changes are much nicer. In fact, you now like to sprawl out on your back completely naked. Bath time is also getting easier. You still fuss a little, but not until the very end. Shampooing your hair is hilarious. You absolutely love it! As soon as I start rubbing your tiny head you completely relax. In fact, your usually so relaxed that your eyes roll back, and then you poop all over your towel. Speaking of poop, you have that mastered. You poop and toot more than any baby I know. I think you even have your cousin, Jackson, beat in that department. Getting dressed is fine until I have to pull something over your head. This makes Mommy sad because I love to dress you up in all your cute outfits. Hopefully, you will get over that very soon. You also recognize our voices now, and you stare up at us with those big baby blues when we are talking.
Mimi came to visit you for a few days, and figured out a way to get you to sleep better through the night. Your new bed is the infant lamb seat from Aunt Melissa, ,and then we swaddle you very tight in your favorite blanket. So far I have gotten a few 4 hour stretches of sleep. Thank you, Mimi!
Mimi and I took you to your two week appointment and got great news! The doctor was impressed with how much you have been growing. You now weigh 7lbs. 15.5 ounces, and have surpassed your birth weight. You are also 21 inches long, so you grew half an inch. Your head, however, is very tiny. This you get from your mommy and Mimi. Your official stats are 75th percentile for height, 50th percentile for weight, and a measly 25th percentile for your head. After all of the measuring and weighing, they had to stick your tiny heel...twice. Then they had to squeeze your heel to get the blood out. You were so upset and it was HORRIBLE to watch. After your appointment, we took you on your first mall trip! You did amazing and let us shop for almost 4 hours. You must have known you were going to get some adorable new clothes.
You get more and more beautiful everyday. In fact, that's pretty much all daddy says when he see's you. He will just sit and stare at your sweet face, and tell you how beautiful you are. It completely melts my heart. We love you so much little one, and can't wait to see what next week brings.
Posted by
10:02 AM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Presley's Sneak Peak!
Here is the sneak peak of Presley's newborn photo's. We had to do 2 sessions because Miss Priss was being a tad difficult during the first one. Not to mention she poo'd everywhere, including all over our photographer. She did much better the second day. God bless, Kelly Wills! She is amazing and oh so patient.
More to come when the proofs are finished!
Posted by
9:37 AM
Friday, January 8, 2010
You Know Your a New Mother When...
Welcome to a glimpse of my life as a new mother:
I am trying very hard to master the artful skill of doing things one handed. Today, I think I have finally gotten the skill of going potty one handed!
I have forgotten from time to time to actually latch my nursing bra back together after nursing. This is generally brought to my attention by cold milk dripping all over me.
Speaking of dripping milk. I also tend to leak it all over Presley (in the general area of her face).
Showers have now become a race. I try and see how much I can get done before the little one starts crying. And yes, I have walked a around a day or two with one leg shaved and the other not.
I have also walked around with eyeliner on one eye and not the other. Perhaps it's the lack of sleep that had me pondering in the mirror as to why I looked funny. In a more rested state, you would think I could figure it out.
I may or may not walk around in PJ's all day and then get dressed 10 minutes before Brandon is supposed to be home.
Snaps haunt my dreams. I just can't seem to snap her tiny outfits fast enough for the little lady
I hold my breathe when I lay her down at night for fear I will wake her. Even though I can vacumm all around this child without her blinking an eye.
Then there's the constant worrying. Every time I walk past her, I have to check to make sure she's breathing. Is her diaper too tight? Is she too hot? Too cold? Is her swaddle covering too much of her face? Am I holding her too much? Not enough? Is she getting enough milk? Etc., etc., etc.
Then today, I did one of the things I have been so careful not to do. I pushed on her soft spot while changing her onesie. She didn't cry, but I immediately freaked out! I have been watching her like a hawk all day, trying to determine if she has a possible brain bleed. So far so good.
So ladies and gents, There you have it. This is my new normal, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Posted by
2:18 PM
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Ringing in 2010
Our New Years Eve was pretty low key considering I just had a baby. However, it was one of the best New Years ever. My Dad cooked us a fantastic steak dinner, and we all partook in a little bubbly. Presley's drink of choice was formula. My milk still had not come in, so we supplemented for the night( I wasn't really fond of the idea, but she had already lost a pound). I would also like to add that my Dad didn't make it to midnight. I guess all the cooking wore him out:) So Mom, Brandon, Presley and I watched the ball drop together. 2010 has been pretty amazing so far. I'm excited to see what else is in store for us.
Now for a little eye candy!(Her shirt says Happy New Year. It's kind of hard to read).
Here are some highlights from 2009:
* Brandon was offered a job in Texas
* We said goodbye to Los Angeles and moved back home
* We settled into our very first house
* My sister and Justin got engaged
* I found out I was pregnant
* My nephew turned 1
* Our trip to NYC
* Presley Elizabeth was born (this one tops the list)
What I'm looking forward to in 2010:
* Experiencing all of Presley's first's
* My sister's wedding
* Getting lots of quality time with the family
* Shedding the baby weight
(I know there's more, but lack of sleep has me a little brain dead)
Happy New Year (a few days late)!!!!!!
Posted by
8:28 AM
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
1 week old
Dear Presley,
Today you are exactly one week old, and we couldn't imagine life without you. I thought my heart might burst the first time I got to hold you, and I love you more everyday. We have learned so much about you in this short time we have had together.
You love to eat and are a great nurser. However, you like to eat every two hours even through the night. This makes for a very tired Mommy.
We also learned very quick that you hate getting undressed and having your diaper changed. You scream at the top of your lungs and sound eerily similar to a billy goat. In fact, your crying is so sad sounding it leaves Mommy and daddy pretty miserable after each diaper change. Bath time is also not your favorite, but you love having your hair washed. Other than that, you are pretty chill most of the day.
The lamb seat from your Aunt Melissa is one of your favorite spots to be. In fact, your sitting in it right now and letting me type like a good little girl. We practice tummy time everyday and you are so strong. You hold your head up way better then I expected and have had some close calls with being head butted. The hiccups have become a daily occurrence, and we have decided you sound like a squeak toy. You get them so hard and loud that I feel sorry for you, but they don't seem to bother you at all.
Daddy and I love it when you are wide awake! We stare at you the whole time. I'm not gonna lie, You make some pretty crazy faces. However, we love each and everyone. Speaking of Daddy, he is completely Gaga over you. I like to call him the baby hog. Once he gets a hold of you, he does not like to share.
Well Miss Priss, I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us. You have blessed our lives immeasurably and we continue to thank God everyday for you.
Your Mommy and Daddy
Posted by
1:55 PM
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Birth Story
Here is the story of how Miss Presley Elizabeth made her way into this world.
The Plan:
On Monday, December 28th, I was supposed to go to the hospital at 9 pm and be induced at 6:00 am on the 29th. The doctor said I would probably have a longer labor since this was my first baby combined with induction.
What actually happened:
Before we checked into the hospital, Brandon and I went out to eat with my family. I thought I might have been having some contractions then, but decided it was probably nerves. After dinner, we said goodbye to my family and arrived at Rockwall Presby at 9 pm on the dot.
Our sweet nurse walked us into our room and had me put on a fabulous booty bearing gown. She then proceeded to ask me 20 million questions and insert my I.V. I thought that was going to be the worse pain of the night, but little did I know...
I had to have something called cytotec inserted (I'll let you guess where) to soften the cervix over night. After that, I swallowed my ambien and immediately fell asleep. Shortly after, I woke up because I was having what I though were MAJOR cramps from the cytotec. I knew the nurse was going to come and check on me at 2 am, so I tried to hold off on my request for pain medicine. I mean it's not like I was in labor?? I could totally handle these cramps. By the time she got to my room, I was pretty miserable and feeling like a total wimp. I requested pain medicine immediately and it was given ASAP. What I got was a mixture of stadol and phenegren in my I.V. and it knocked me on my a$$. I couldn't even put together a sentence. Which at the time was pretty important because my water broke about 10 seconds after, and I could barely get the words out to inform the nurse. As drugged up as I was, I will never forget the feeling of my water breaking. I heard this pop and then felt a tiny gush of warm liquid. Of course, my first thought was I peed on myself, but then I felt another gush. This time it was like Niagara falls, and I KNEW this could not be pee. Yay! This was great news. I was in labor, I didn't have to be induced, and Presley was well on here way.
When my water broke it was 2:30am and I had dilated to a 3, so they called in my epidural. I wish I could fill you fine folks in on what it felt like, but I can't because I was still completely messed up from the stadol/phenegren. I fell asleep while he was inserting the needle. In fact, the anesthesiologist told Brandon that sleeping through getting an epidural was not exactly a bad thing. Around 5am (two and half hours later) I woke up and told Brandon that I thought my epidural might be wearing off. He called the nurse in and turns out I was already dilated to a seven. She said we should probably go ahead and call our families, but to tell them to take their time getting here. Well, little did she know...
30 minutes later I started feeling lots of pressure and found out I had dilated to a 10! Brandon jumped on his phone and called all the necessary parties informing them they better get here FAST! The nurse jumped on her phone and called the doctor and told her she needed to get here ASAP. And what was I doing during all this excitement? You guessed it... sleeping.
My family arrived before the doctor and got to come in and visit. Of course, I could barely talk, but I tried really hard. Not long after, the doctor came in and it was time to get down to business. I had waited a long time to meet this baby girl and I was going to get her out as fast as I could. I was still completely dopey, so I would push as hard as I could and then fall asleep between contractions. I pushed for a total of 20 minutes and then our beautiful baby girl was born at 6:33am. She weighed 7lbs 12 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.
I can't even begin to describe to you what that moment felt like. There is no better feeling in the whole wide world. I can't even stand to write about it because I get all mushy and emotional (my hormones are still a little wacky). So Santa didn't give me an early present after all. Instead, we got our sweet gift from God.
And now for a whole lot of pictures:
Leaving our house for the last time as a family of two
Saying goodbye to the belly
She's here
Everyone finally getting to meet Presley
and for the best part, bringing home our sweet baby girl.
Posted by
3:09 PM