Dear Presley Elizabeth,
Let me begin by saying that I will not write you a letter for every week of your life, so don't worry. After this, I will refrain to once a month.
So, today you are 3 weeks old, and this makes me a little sad. I know I should just be thankful for a healthy growing baby (and don't get me wrong, I am VERY thankful), but I feel like you are already growing so fast. While I was pregnant I wanted time to fly by, so I could meet you. Now, I want time to slow down.
In your short 3 weeks, you have changed so much. When you were first born, everyone thought you looked just like Daddy. Now, more and more people say you are beginning to resemble me. I still can't tell who you look like?? Your hair is getting lighter everyday. I guess we will have to wait and see if you will be a blondie like your Momma. You have also become a lot more vocal. Sometimes you make the sweetest little sounds and other times you make some very unladylike ones. The grunting is your newest thing and you do this a lot! You have also started to put on a little chub. I love the little rolls around your thighs and wrists.
As far as your temperment, my little chill child has become a tad diva-ish. You now need to be held all the time or your screaming at me. Thank goodness for the baby bjorn or I wouldn't get anything done. I'm hoping this is just a phase...
Night has gotten a lot better. You now give me 3 to 4 hour breaks in between feedings! Speaking of being fed, you always put your arm over your sweet face as if to block out the world.
You have also acquired many nicknames like Squeaker, Pez, and Monkey. Monkey is my nickname for you because of your crazy long toes. I love them and have to kiss them at least once a day.
I can't believe how much you have changed our world in these short three weeks. You have filled our hearts with more love than we ever thought possible. We are beyond blessed to have you in our lives.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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