Thursday, January 31, 2013

Presley's 3rd Birthday Party

So, we had P's 3rd birthday party a tad almost a month late. She almost didn't have one because we just had so much going on including a trip to Disney. BUT...this was the first year she really expressed an interest in her party. Including where she wanted to have it. We may have had a difference of opinions on that one, but it was her party not mine.

Without further a do, Presley's Princess Chuck E. Cheese Birthday party:

The invite picked with the help of Presley, of course.

Sneaking a little taste of her cake when she thought no one was looking...

Speaking of cake, my very favorite cake lady has retired. I'm so sad, but this Costco cake tasted surprisingly good.

Getting her birthday crown from the man himself, Chuck E. Cheese

All eyes for daddy during the birthday song.

Some very intense candle blowing.

Chuck E.Cheese was a tad crazy. Okay, a lot crazy. In fact, I may have used the word Clusterf**k to describe it. I think the kids may have thought so too because they spent a lot of their time playing here instead of where all the games were.

We ended the party in the ticket blaster. For those of you lucky people who are unfamiliar, it's a big tube that blows tickets in the air and you try and get as many as possible. We came out with 1300 tickets!

And right before it was time to pack up the leftover cake and go, I caught somebody sneaking some more cake. Not to name any names, JACKSON WADE.

Happy Birthday party day, Sweet P. Momma will do much better planning next year.


Emily said...

Looks like P had fun! And don't feel bad - at least she had a party - we did ZIP for poor Asher this year!

Chuck E Cheese looks like my worst nightmare. And that mouse is seriously creepy. ha!

I'm glad that kids like it! Princess P is TOO beautiful!

B said...

Love her outfit!!! That first picture - I. DIE.

We've been to many a Chuck E. Cheese party - always chaos, but the kids always love it. The things we do for our kiddos... :)

The Fants said...

How adorable!! You were more on top of her party than I was with Bryson's for sure!!
That's so funny that they all ended up playing by the tables :) glad she had a fun party!