Saturday, June 9, 2012

2 Week Check Up

{Sound asleep waiting on Dr. Smart}

 I can NOT believe my Harper girl is already 2 weeks old. Friday was her heel stick and general check up. She did so good and barely cried, but it's still so hard to watch. Presley came along to the appointment with us, and fell off the doctor's table. It scared me to death! There's never dull a moment in our household anymore..

Here are Miss Harper's stats:
Weight: 7lbs 7.5oz./ 30%
Height: 21''/ 80%
Head: 34.5cm/ 25%

Doc says we have a healthy, long & lean baby! I also got clearance to let her sleep through the night since she is basically back up to birth weight (we have had to wake her every 3 hours). Hopefully, she will continue to be such a great least for a few more nights.


B said...

Aww, how precious! I remember the good old days of when Ava still slept all the time, before she woke up and decided to never sleep again LOL

The Fants said...

I can't believe she's already 2 weeks old! Whoa. I'm sure time is flying even faster with 2...I can't even imagine!

She' precious and peaceful :)
And poor Presley :(

anika♥Lee said...

Time flies!!! 2 weeks already!!! Hope Presley is OK after the fall off the table!!!! How is she adjusting to being a big sister?? I love how you always have your children looking so nice and clean, even with a simple bow. :) YOU ROCK, MOMMA!!