Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Phone Dump

Well, I've been putting off "dumping" my photo's because today we will be one family member bigger! My cousin Jake and his wife, Casey, are having a sweet baby girl today. I was hoping to have a picture up, but if I don't post now, I probably won't get a chance later. So here we go:

This is how I roll most days. Harper loves the Beco (this is the Gemini, but I also have the butterfly 2). She can not keep her eyes open in it.

Spaghetti face (or skabetti as Presley calls it)!

Want to know what to do to pass the time with a bored toddler while nursing a baby? Take silly pictures with your iPhone. P thought this was hilarious!

Brandon and I took Presley out on a date (sans Harper). It didn't really turn out the way we planned. She could care less about putt putt, and threw a major fit in the middle of the arcade, but at least we got some time with just her.

I've created a monster with the silly faces.

My sweet little lady.

Our good friend, Brady, came to visit and took this super creepy picture. He titled it, "cats guard babies at the Souders' house".

Painting with wine corks (technically it was a champagne cork, and I liked it better because the top was wider and easier to grasp). Yes, another pinterest find. Also, check the shoes. Her choice not mine, and one battle I choose not to fight.

Another fashion choice of Presley's. Zebra P.j. pants, no shirt, and her beloved hat...

I survived another week with my 2 girls! I'm pretty sure I haven't put on make up this entire week..or gotten out of P.J.'s...or brushed my teeth for that matter. 


Richeson's Hiatus said...

YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! Such a beautiful family - I know I say this often. your sweet girls. P is a chick after my own heart! Backwards hat, pj bottoms, barefoot, and topless (easy access feeding).

Watchout momma, you have your hands fun!

anika♥Lee said...

hahaha i love the pics!!! My favorites are the cat guarding pic and the zebra pants pic. Hahahaha. :) thanks for sharing and posting, busy Momma!!!

B said...

Um, stop being so damn skinny. You're one month postpartum and I'm jealous of you :P

I love the mismatched shoes. It's a battle we don't fight with Ava either. In fact, she's been such a diva lately, we only fight the ones that will result in super spoil-dom later in life at this point :P

animal print pants said...

These are so cute!!!