Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Father's day was a little different around here this year. For starters, I didn't get to see my Dad (sorry Dad, wish I could have been there, but aren't you glad I shared my oldest daughter with you!?!). Second, my Mom took Presley back to Houston with her to give me some time to get adjusted with Harper. Unfortunately, we kind of forgot about it being Father's day weekend. Oops! 

Thankfully, my Mom had P make and mail Brandon a Father's Day card. It was so cute!

It was pretty quiet around here with just one kiddo, and Brandon got to enjoy sleeping in with Harper girl. I got him taquitos from Whataburger, a large Dr. pepper (breakfast of champions), and Cowboy's tickets. He deserves a whole lot more, but that will have to do for the time being. I have loved watching him with both the girls. He can rough house and be silly with Presley, but is so sweet and gentle with Harper. These girls (me included) are so lucky to have him.

Later that evening, we got to meet up with Grammie and Poppa for dinner and celebrate with my Father in law. Poppa is awesome and we are all super blessed to have him in our lives, plus he can pretty much fix/build anything...
Grammie remembered to get a pic of Brandon and Harper with Poppa before we left dinner. I forgot my camera because I can't remember anything these days, but luckily had my iPhone.

 And since my Dad regularly checks "The Saga", I just thought I would publicly brag on him a bit.
My Dad is the best Dad ever! I know everyone thinks that their Dad is, but I win. Sorry! He would do anything for us, and has a huge heart! He can also party like a rockstar, so that's always a plus. Oh, and he told me I was his favorite child. maybe that last bit isn't entirely true.
Happy Father's Day, Dad! Love and miss you.


Heather said...

Did Brandon get 2 Cowboys tickets? If so, does your favorite blogger friend get to go with him?? :-) I am sure you and Justin would have an awesome time kicking it with the girls! Ha!
I am DYING to come down to another game! I must do it in the next year or two!

B said...

Happy belated Father's Day to your family! Sounds like a relaxing and wonderful day!

anika♥Lee said...

I nearly forgot about Father's Day as well amongst the sea of life's fun happenings!!! June is so crazy!!! Sounds like Brandon is enjoying his beautiful family of 3 women. :) So nice of your Mom to take Miss P with her so that you could get some quality time in with Miss H. You have a wonderful family and that is so awesome!!! :)