Saturday, June 30, 2012

GERD's the Word

Say what!?! I have GERD???
(sorry! couldn't resist the cheesy pic and caption. Perhaps I need more sleep...)

It's official. Harper has a diagnosis of GERD.
 Basically, it's just really bad acid reflux and heartburn (with a little gagging, choking, and coughing mixed in). I've noticed my sweet relaxed baby become increasingly fussy, especially after feedings. She also spits up anywhere from 1 to 5 times after a feeding. Then she is ravenous and needs to immediately eat again. If I didn't have a demanding toddler running circles around me, I might welcome sitting down and feeding a baby all day. Instead, it makes things extremely difficult. 
I took her to our Pediatrician on Friday, and didn't even have to explain Harper's symptoms. She gave Dr. Smart her very own demonstration... 3 times! We are going to put her on liquid Zantac twice a day, and that will hopefully help her to feel more comfortable. On the bright side, she is up to 9lbs. 8 oz. and it's not affecting her growth so far. Keep your fingers crossed this medicine works!


Emily said...

oh no! I'm glad you were able to get a diagnosis for Harper before things got worse. Hopefully the medicine will help a lot!

happeningsofourhome said...

Hey girl! We just found out {after a horrible week of wondering where our happy, content baby went} that our little Lulla has Acid Reflux as well. Her symptoms weren't like Harper's, but I know how trying it can be. Lulla was becoming progressively fussier by the day & she would not sleep ALL NIGHT LONG--she would grunt & squirm in her bassinet. The day we put her on Zantac she slept all through the night without making a single peep & was back to being her little content self! I'm so glad your sweet Harper got some relief! It makes all the difference for a momma who is taking care of a toddler & a newborn. I love being able to read all your journeys--our kiddos are so close in age & it seems we are facing the same daily stuff--i.e. not getting to brush our teeth, lol! It's nice to be able to relate!

Richeson's Hiatus said...

LOVE THE PIC!! She's totally saying SAY WHAT?!

I'm so glad your Ped was quick and willing to diagnose and get that baby started on medicine! Keep us posted...hope it helps!

anika♥Lee said...

I'm sorry to hear about poor little H's diagnosis. That does not sound like fun and I'm sure you have your hands uber full with all of that!!! I know you will handle it with grace and I'm sure Miss P is helping you along the way. :) Hope she feels better with the meds!!! And soon!

B said...

Glad you got some answers about what was going on with her, but sorry you guys are going through that! It's definitely a rough way to start things out - especially with Sweet P running amok :)

Hope she gets better ASAP!