Thursday, June 7, 2012

Harper Grace: The Birth Story

Okay, Harper Grace, here is the story of how you made your grand entrance into the world:

At around 6:30am on May 26th, I woke up to what felt like a contraction, but wasn't sure. I got up to go to the bathroom, and remember thinking how annoyed I was that I had gone yet another night without any signs of labor. I crawled back into bed after going potty and felt a strange wet sensation. I stood up to go check it out, and felt a huge gush of water. I was soaked as was the floor. 

I yelled at Brandon from the bathroom that my water had broken. I was so excited!!! You have no idea how ready I was to meet my sweet baby girl. Brandon responded with, "Let's do this", and hopped out of bed. Then immediately freaked out because he stepped right where my water had broken. Oops! I woke my Mom up, put some make up on, finished packing my bags, and off we went. 

I had only had 2 strong contractions by the time I reached the hospital, so my doctor decided to give me a little petocin to jump start things.  By noon my contractions were about 3 minutes apart and starting to get pretty uncomfortable, but I wasn't quite ready to ask for my epidural.The nurse checked me, and I was 6 centimeters. The anesthesiologist came in to tell me that he had a surgery coming up, so if I wanted my epidural I had a very specific time frame to get it. I decided I better not loose out on the opportunity, so I went for it. When I sat up to prepare for the epidural, my contractions were toe curling strong. I'm not sure if it was my new position or my labor was just progressing, but I was so thankful I decided on the epidural. 

Unfortunately, my epidural didn't take very well. I could still feel my contractions, legs, and feet pretty well. I told them what I was feeling, and he said to just keep pressing my pain pump for an extra dose of medicine. It didn't make a bit of difference, and there was no time to fix it. I went from a 6 to a 10 in just over an hour. Like it or not, I was ready to push.

After a few contractions/pushing, they called the doctor in because Harper was right there. It was pretty painful, and I was ready to just get her out. Once her head was out, they noticed the cord was wrapped around her neck. My doctor couldn't get it over her head, so she had to cut it. After that, I pushed one more time and my sweet baby girl was here. Born on May 26th @ 2:50pm, 7 lbs. 8 oz., 19 3/4 inches long.

When she came out, she wasn't making a sound, and I was a little freaked out. I kept asking if she was okay, and everyone kept telling me she was fine. Once they suctioned her out, I finally got to hear her sweet cry.  At that moment, it was the best sound in the whole world. I also needed to know if she had Down Syndrome or not. She was really swollen, so I couldn't really tell. All the nurses said she was perfect though. My doctor said she looked okay to her, but wanted a pediatrician to come in and check. I, of course, was so worried. I just wanted a straight answer.

Eventually, we got confirmation that she did not have downs and was a healthy baby girl. I was so thankful (not that any other diagnosis would have made me love her less)! I loved her so much already, and just wanted the very best for her. So her birth was a little more dramatic than I had anticipated, but it was completely worth it. 

I can't even begin to describe how much I love this little lady. She has already brought so much joy into our lives (Presley might not completely agree just yet, but she's getting there). I just feel so blessed to have both my beautiful baby girls. I'm not sure my heart could get any fuller.

And of course, here comes an onslaught of pictures:

Last shot of the belly!

 My Mom brought P up to the hospital to visit for a while. I think she was a little scared seeing me in the hospital bed.

Love my big girl so much!

Daddy Bob ( my dad) meeting Miss H.

Poppa and Daddy Bob

The boys with the little princess

Presley getting to meet her new sister.

Finally, in our room to stay.

Feeling very complete holding my sweet Harper girl.

Our family of 4!

Grammie (Brandon's Mom) with her newest grand baby.

Daddy Bob and Mimi

Daddy with his girls

Harper just a few hours old.

Daddy loving on his newest little lady.

The stats

Exactly one day old.

All dressed to head home.


Heather said...

You look amazing, first off! Second, I am now scared to have a 2nd thinking my epi will not work! Yikes!

B said...

Get out of here looking all fabulous after having a baby! I mean, really ;)

Congrats!!!! She's so beautiful, and I love her name. I guess I can change our next one to Charlotte Grace instead :)

anika♥Lee said...

Girl, you make having a baby look glamorous. :)

My epi didn't work either... but we ended up having a C. I'm so glad to hear Harper is healthy and everything you hoped & knew she would be. Congratulations again!!!

The Fants said...

Yikes about the epidural. That sounds so painful.

Harper is just perfect; what a great story!

An yes, I completely agree with everyone else; you look fantastic. No way you juust had a baby!

Emily said...

I feel like every birth story has some drama. A non-working epi is one of the worst kinds. You're a trooper! I had Pitocin with Asher since my water broke with no contractions either...I swore I'll never have it again unless REALLY necessary. Hate that stuff. ha!

So glad Harper got here safely and quickly for you. She's a doll!