Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Phone Dump

PLaying Catch up! This post is the last couple of weeks combined.

Another trip to the park and the world's cheesiest smile:)

Presley has been wanting to get "parkly" (sparkly) toes and nails, so we decided to take her for a mani/pedi after MDO. She loved it until she found out that she could only get one color application. She picked pink with glitter, but before we left she really wanted blue and yellow. I think next time I'll just have them paint each nail a different color.

And here is my sweet little flower in full on melt down mode. I can't remember what had her so upset, but I'm sure it was because I wouldn't let her stay in the tub for 5 hours or use my razor or pour out all my lotion and so on and so forth.

My Mom and I let P skip MDO and we all headed to Canton for a day of shopping. Presley found a phone, and apparently I was too loud for her to hear her conversation. She kept shushing me while she was on it.

P and I met up with our friends at the galleria for some indoor play, shopping, and lunch. The rest of the world decided to do the same thing, so I was a little nervous at the play place. Luckily, we left without being trampled, so all in all it was a great time.

We treated Presley to her favorite yogurt place last friday night and let her pick the toppings on her own. You can't see very clearly in the picture, but she chose cherry (pink) yogurt, mini reeses pieces, gummy worms, jelly beans, gummy bears, and 2 cherries.
 Grammie and Poppa came over last weekend, and Presley found Grammie's lipgloss. 

Doing the splits (always showing off to a crowd)

While I was doing laundry, I let Presley play in her room. She was being awfully quite, so naturally I assumed the worst. Instead, I found her in her closet, sitting on her ladybug rocker, engrossed in a book. It was one of those "I love this kid so much" moments.

Presley discovered the drums at my friends house, and she played them really really loud.

The drumming duo (Brooks and P). I have a video that I'll post later of their performance. 

With the new baby coming, I have been an organizing maniac. I really needed to find more storage for P's closet, and I found just the thing at target. Presley was pretty excited about her new storage system too.

Last, this is Presley playing with her baby doll named, Landon, after her little cousin. She picked the name all by herself. And no, it wasn't raining inside. P just really really likes her raincoat.

That pretty much wraps up the past two weeks for us! Happy Friday, y'all!


anika♥Lee said...

great pictures :) I love the one with the lipgloss... those pics are priceless!!! :) Have a good weekend!

The Fants said...

aww, so sute. I couldn't help but laugh at the flower pictures! I know she's sad, but that face framed with the huge petals is just so funny :)

Emily said...

I don't know where to start. :-)

Love her first pedicure - how fun!

Asher makes that meltdown face at me all. the. time. It's usually for a good reason though, like making him wear shoes when it's snowing or something.

Oh, and I hate it when people talk to me when I'm on the phone. Teaming with P on that one! Ha!

Love phone dump Friday! :-)

Rene' said...

I love the book reading in the closet. Adorable!! I agree with the meltdown pics- too funny! Great memories to have later on.