Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I've got a sick little girl on my hands.

On Saturday, Presley woke up from her nap with 102.5, so I took her to the Urgent Care around the corner. Turns out my little lady probably has strep throat. We left the doc with a prescription for amoxicillian, and high hopes she would be back to normal in no time.


Today marks her 4th day with fever. High fever...like 103. I've already been back to her pediatrician for a second opinion. They think she might have a virus on top of the strep. The good news is they tested her for the flu and that came back negative. I sure hope my poor baby gets better soon!

On the bright side, P loves to give herself medicine. I'm very thankful because she has to take her antibiotic 3X a day on top of Motrin to keep her fever down.

It's also nice getting in extra cuddle time.

and no matter how bad she is feeling, I can always get a smile.


Brittani said...

Aww, poor P, hope she feels better soon!

PerkinsFamily said...

Awe.... she looks like she feels terrible :(. I hope she is getting better. Loved reading the bed update!

anika♥Lee said...

Oh noooooo poor P!!! We send you well wishes from MN!!