I should have posted this a week ago, but better late then never! Last Wednesday marked 24 weeks, which means I am officially 6 months! Here are some things that have been going on:
I am unquestionably pregnant now. For the longest time, it looked like I just ate way too much for lunch. Brandon and I like to refer to my belly as "Big 'ole" or "B.O.B" (Big ole Belly), and we are on a daily belly button watch. The top part has popped out, but the bottom has not(yes, it looks as strange as it sounds). This leaves us suspensefully ( not sure if that's a word) waiting to see when it will become an official outie. I also have strangers coming up to me and asking me all about the baby. Along with that comes the belly touching. However, I don't mind it...at least not yet, anyway. Oh, and nothing fits me anymore. Shirts that I thought would last throughout the whole pregnancy have gotten too short, and lets not even discuss my pants. My belly isn't the only thing that's growing. I have noticed some rapid growth in a certain area directly above my belly ( I'll let you figure out what I'm talking about), and I do NOT enjoy this near as much as I thought I would.
As far as Presley goes, Miss Priss is moving around all the time. I love feeling her and knowing she is okay in there. Brandon likes to talk to my belly, and every time he does she starts kicking. He talks to her in this weird high pitched voice that completely cracks me up. With all of the moving around, my belly has taken on some interesting shapes. Sometimes she will stick her little bottom out, which leaves me looking very lopsided. At my last Dr.'s appointment, they had trouble getting a good heart rate because she kept kicking right at the doppler. The nurse came to the conclusion that Presley didn't like it, and gave us a close enough guess at 144 BPM. Our little lady is getting bigger everyday and should now be around 1.5 lbs. and over a foot long (Is Subway sounding good to anyone else right now?).
Well, that's about all I have as far as updates go. We just can't wait to meet our sweet baby girl!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I think its hilarious how guys voices change when they are talking to their child. Occasionally Brian and I will stop and just crack up at the way we are talking.
I feel ya in the boob department. Hate it. And it's been worse with #2...who would have thought???
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