Monday, September 20, 2010

Closed for Business

Notice: The Souders' Dairy Farm is officially closed for business.
 The "cows", however, haven't gotten the hint and are still producing milk. 

Yep, Miss P is officially weaned. The last time she was breastfed was very early Thursday morning. Here's the down low, ladies:

I have not had any severe pain or terrible engorgement. I dropped one feeding every week to give my body time to adjust. Since I last fed Presley on Thursday, I have remained very full. I am looking a little porn starish, so I'll be super happy when my body decides it's okay to stop making milk.I also haven't experienced any sort of depression or weight gain yet. As for Presley, I don't think she has even realized what's happened. I was so worried that she would be upset or traumatized by the experience. Nope, she's as happy as a lark with her bottles, and Momma is pretty happy too. In fact, it feels very Freeing! Margarita? 2 please!

There are a few downers though. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't the tiniest bit sad to loose that special time with Presley, and I also have a little "Mom guilt". I know "breast is best", but I'm ready to have them back to myself, thank you. Then there's this yucky stuff called Formula. Okay, it's not that yucky, but I considered my milk to be "liquid gold". It's also expensive! Boo to paying for food. My stash that looked quite large is now almost all gone, so it's only formula from here on out.

My Mom came in town this weekend, and since Presley was weaned. She took the baby every  night, and I got to sleep in. Woo Hoo (normally, I would have preferred to wake up and feed her because of my utter hatred towards the pump)!! Thank you so much, Mimi!

If you have any more questions, I would be happy to answer them. To all the Momma's still nursing, you should be incredibly proud. It's hard work! Sometimes you don't even realize how hard until your not doing it anymore. Way to go, ladies!

Here is Presley showing off her new skillz...

 (pardon the horrible quality, it was taken with my phone)


Emily said...

I'm so glad that the transition has been easy for Presley. My biggest fear in stopping is the engorgement issue - it sounds like dropping feedings really slowly is the way to go.

2 margaritas, yes please - you deserve it!!

Way to go Miss P with holding your own bottle. Asher is so lazy, I try to let him do it and he just drops his hands. Being fed is, oh so nice. :o)

Rene' said...

I'm glad it's going so well and that P hasn't given you any trouble. I used to think that weaning Jack would be a challenge, but now I think that I'll have the harder time with it when the time comes. I'm curious to see how it continues to play out, in regards to the engorgement. I am definitely looking forward to wearing regular bras again and having my boobs to myself!!

Enjoy those margaritas! :)

Immeasurably More Mama said...

It's fun to watch P grow...she and my youngest are very close in age. He recently started holding his own bottle too. :) We only do formula (no other choice) and it really isn't all that bad. I thought I would miss being able to nurse but I find that I like formula feeding and both of my boys are healthy!

aleelavine said...

Congratulations on having your parts back to yourself! :) I have also quit pumping completely and mine haven't quite gotten the memo either as I still leak all over at night. Sorry, TMI. B is getting better with the formula, too!!!! I wish he would hold the bottle like Miss P... we try to get him to but then he just throws his hand up to direct where to put the nipple then let's go. LOL lazy boy!!!!

B said...

2 margaritas? JEALOUS! I was going to say I'm glad that you're not in too much pain with the engorgement, but I just read your most recent post, so nevermind - LOL. I hope you get to feeling better - they'll hopefully get the memo soon!