Sunday, September 5, 2010

What I've Come to Realize

Grammie and Poppa graciously offered to take Presley off our hands for a night. Brandon and I didn't have any special plans, just went about our normal Saturday. That's when I realized:

Walks aren't the same without a stroller

Our house is way to quite

Getting to sit down isn't all it's cracked up to be

Only having to put myself to bed isn't near as sweet

Requesting a table for 2 just doesn't seem right

Dinner conversation will never be the same

While Brandon and I will always cherish our time as a couple, we have been forever changed. Things just aren't the same without our sweet baby girl around.

(sleeping in felt pretty darn good though)


Unknown said...

I am your newest follower from the Sunday blog hop. I know the feeling when just a few of our kids are missing, it is eerily quiet. I hope you can follow back at
God Bless,

B said...

So true! Not that we've ever had a babysitter (unfortunately!), but still, I can relate even when I'm just away from A for a few hours!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I'm your newest follower via Relax and Surf Sunday Blog Hop. It's great to get a few hours to yourself every now and then.

Looking forward to reading more from you.

Marie (hope you'll come by for a visit sometime, I love new followers.)
The Things We Find Inside

Rene' said...

Love it! That's all. :)

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I have three kids and one of them right now is camping with some friends and I miss him like crazy!

Thanks for linking up at Relax and Surf Sunday! I'm following you.


Page said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your daughter is adorable :)

aleelavine said...

I totally agree with you on this one!!! We went to the State Fair on Sunday and should have spent hours more there... but we missed B and had to get home to see him. My parents were surprised to see us back so soon!!! Babies change everything..but man, aren't they worth it?? :)