Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A little of this, A little of that...

First, if you use Similac formula, they are recalling FIVE MILLION cans of formula due to possible bug parts. GROSS!! Guess what? I went to Costco yesterday and bought a huge thing of Similac formula and it was on the recall list. Woo Hoo...and just as I get done nursing. Go here for more information.

Now for my Boobs, sorry...TMI...I know, but it's all I can think about right now. Let me start by saying that the body is quite amazing. I know that it's taking a while for my milk to dry up because my body just wants to make sure that I really am "done". I appreciate this.  I really really do, but I'm getting impatient. I have read that because of this, it will probably take a week to ten days. Well, I'm at a week and getting really really uncomfortable. It hurts to hold Presley and rock her, which is completely unavoidable . I also never realized how many times I/things hit or rub against my boobs.OUCH!

For my last bit of randomness, Presley has a new trick. I, however, am not so happy about this. She has learned to turn herself around and stand up in the shopping carts. Then when I try and sit her down, she lets me know very clearly how unhappy this makes her. Fun times, friends!

Now, I'm off to ice my chest...



Heather said...

I feel your 'boob' pain! :) After 3 months of pumping only, I decided to quit before I went crazy! I would move out my pumps an hour every few days and it is crazy how the body thought I should not wait that hour! It was miserable!
And regarding P turning around in the cart, Hadlea does the same...and definitely lets everyone in the store know when I turn her around!

B said...

Aww, you poor dear! I can only imagine how sore you must be! Even now when I get engorged if Ava actually sleeps instead of eating all night like she has been recently, it's painful!

That's cute, though I'm sure annoying, about her in the cart! What a little smarty pants!

the Sebring's said...

I can definitely remember when I weaned GA and it hurt! So sorry you are feeling so much pain, but it will get better, I promise! She is so cute standing up in the shopping carts! I love little babies behinds!!!

aleelavine said...

Sorry to hear about the "chest pain". I was lucky and didn't have much of that when I quit pumping .. which I can happily say I am Officially done!!!! Woohoo! :) Oops, sorry... you're still not done. ;-) I have heard of putting cabbage leaves to relieve some of that stuff goin on in there.... kinda weird but might help??? Good luck!!!!!

Bennett always wants to turn around in the cart but he hasn't figured out how to actually do it. P is a little smarty!!!! Stinker!!!

The Perkins said...

I was in soooooo much pain for at least a week. Until I started Cabbage leaves. Just make sure they are cold, put them in your bra, and let them wilt :). Now don't get me wrong, the smell of hot cabbage is DISGUSTING, but I really think it worked. Then they just dissapeared over night. Even Brian was shocked one day when I woke up 3 sizes smaller. Hope it happens soon.

Anonymous said...

I was going to suggest the Cabbage also, it is amazing, only thing that helped me when I weaned Tye.


Emily said...

That photo is so cute! The little stinker! Asher isn't standing on his own yet, so he hasn't figured out this trick yet - but it's only a matter of time, I'm sure.

Not looking forward to the weaning process now...yikes. Let us know what works for you and how long it takes!

Oh, and my car seat is the Britax Marathon. It has great safety reviews and doesn't take up my entire back seat. Bonus!