Friday, September 17, 2010

Fashion Friday: I Want but Probably Won't

I love fall. One reason being the clothes. There are so many cute things out, and I so want to be THE girl that can pull them off.

Let's take this vest for example.

I wish I was the kind of girl who could throw this on and NOT look like some sort of puffy furry blobby thingy. Do you want to know the truth? I am the owner of an adorable fur vest. It sits in my closet and taunts me. I put it on and blahhh. I think I'm just not the furry vest girl.

And these...oh these totally fab over the knee boots. However, I'm 5'3" and they would probably be less "over the knee" boots and more "almost to my crotch" boots. I'm still going to give them a try.

Yes, last but not least, the cargo skinny pant.

I went bananas (Rachel Zoe) when I first saw them on Jessica Alba. I told myself they would most certainly be a fall staple. Then I tried them on... I will never where these. Never. Ever. I still want to be the cargo skinny pant girl though...just not that bad.


aleelavine said...

You are so cute. LOL I had no idea you were 5'3"!!! You look way taller in your pics!!!! I love your post about the high boots... I am totally with you there, those boots would be at my waist though, not just my crotch. LOL and you think you have it bad! ;-) I have been trying to expand my wardrobe but it's kind of difficult when everyone at my office has a big mouth and an unwanted opinion!!!! Whatever the should wear whatever you want to and rock it. :)

B said...

Um, first off, loving Fashion Friday.

And second, really? You're only 5'3"? I definitely thought you looked taller also :) Those skinny cargo pants wouldn't do ANYTHING kind for my booty :(

Emily said...

I totally feel you on the boots. As a fellow 5'3" girl I can't pull off anything lanky. Since everyone (myself included!) thought you were way taller than that maybe you should try them anyway! :o)