Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bad Blood

Yesterday, I got a phone call from the doctor who did our NT scan. I had a feeling she wasn't calling to tell me good news as the usual policy is "no news is good news".  Before I begin, some people asked me what an NT scan was so let me explain.

The NT scan or Nuchal Translucency scan measures the space behind the back of the babies neck (nuchal fold) and is performed during 11 to 14 weeks. Most doctor's consider anything under 2.5mm to be within normal ranges. Anything over could be a marker for Down syndrome (Trisomy 21). There is also a blood draw that is done immediately after the ultrasound, and it tests for Trisomy 18 and 13, which are incompatible with life.

Okay, so back to me. During the scan, everything looked good. The nasal bone was present which was a good sign (no nasal bone can be a sign for downs). The nuchal fold measured higher, but well within the normal range. Brandon and I walked out feeling great about what we saw!

Then the blood results came back. I have a 1:10,000 chance of having a baby with Trisomy 18 or 13, which is as good as your odds can get. However, I have a 1:240 chance of having a baby with Down syndrome. Just to clear things up the 1:240 chance is out of all the people who had the exact same scan results as me, not a 1:240 chance out of every woman that has a baby. Does that make sense.? Anyway, my odds are 99.5% chance that I will have a healthy baby and .5% chance that I will have a baby with Down syndrome. To me those odds sound pretty good, but the doctor's make it sound scary.

I will go back at 16 weeks and meet with a genetic counselor and have a level 11 ultrasound done. Then, depending on what they find, I will have the option of an amnio. I've pretty much made up my mind that I will not have an amnio. Not matter what the results, I would have the baby anyway. I love this little baby and nothing is going to make me want it any less. Nothing. 

In the mean time, any prayers would be much appreciated for little S2, and that I don't drive myself insane with worry. Also, if anyone reading this has been through anything similar, I would love to hear your story.


aleelavine said...

Ashlie, our thoughts & prayers are going out to you at this time. We had something somewhat similar happen, not exactly, but similar. I will message you on FB. xoxo A

The Watzeks' said...

Ashlie, I messaged you. We went through the same thing with Carson. Hang in there.

Emily said...

Thanks for your sweet comment - I was just reading your post as well. You're totally right - it's been a hard night for blog posts.

It sounds like you have the perfect attitude surrounding these results. Everything will be fine! In the meantime I'll be praying for peace to fill you and for a healthy baby to be growing strong!

The Fants said...

That little baby is so lucky to have you as a Mommy! I will definitely be praying for a calm spirit in you and a happy healthy baby. Hoping for clear results in a few weeks!

Brittani said...

Thinking and Praying for you guys always. I am certain this little sweetie is going to be just fine! I hate when doctors scare you. I would say don't worry but I know you will worry (do those words sound familiar...I think you said them to me)

Rene' said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this and I will also pray for the baby and for you to keep calm and stress-free. I know everything will be fine, but I also know it's hard not to worry. This baby is very lucky to have you for it's mama!

B said...

Our thoughts and prayers our with you! Those odds, though, are still very much in your favor, so stay positive! I have three little sisters that are very young, so was a 17 when my mom was pregnant with one of my sisters, and she had similar results and was of advance maternal age. Aislinn turned out to be just fine :)