"If I had a star for every time you made me smile, I would be holding the night sky in my hand."-unknown
Presley has always been a super smiley little girl. In fact, in almost all of her baby pictures she's sporting a huge gummy grin. She gave her first big smile when she was 5 weeks old, and ever since then it's been pretty easy to coax one out of her for pictures. Why am I telling you all of this? Well, because my smiley little princess had her very first school pictures taken, and guess what we got...
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
This is similar to one of my favorite pics from Bennett's 1st Birthday party. HAHAHA Isn't that funny how a not-so-great pic can be highly memorable and entertaining? :) She's still adorable! Hope you're feeling well!
Awww! I've noticed how full of smiles she usually is. And of course she's not for something so big- first school pics (which makes her sound so grown-up, by the way!)! I always wonder how you get her to smile for pictures. Jack turns away as soon as he sees my camera. I've had to be pretty inventive to get some of the shots I've gotten. Like A said- still memorable and entertaining!
Ha ha! Love that! Asher rarely smiles for my photos anymore, so most of ours look exactly like this. :)
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