The other day, Presley and I were sitting side by side on the couch when she laid her head on my shoulder and said, "love you, Mommy." My heart pretty much melted right then and there.This was the first time Presley had ever said" I love you" to me without me saying it to her first. Then she proceeded to tell me, "I love your eyebrows, Mommy". Clearly, Presley doesn't know what good eyebrows look like because mine are as bad as they come. I was on cloud 9 from Presley's love proclamations UNTIL...
I decided to run into Children's Place to pick up some winter appropriate clothes for the cold front coming in. The sales lady greeted us, and Presley looked up at her with a huge smile and exclaimed, "I love you". Seriously, Presley?!? So I did what any good mother would do and tried to buy her affections back. We left Children's Place with the intended winter clothes, and a pair of hideous sparkly silver Ugg style boots...
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Haha. What a sweetheart...and then she goes and ruins it by telling some random lady she loves her. HA! toddlers are so funny. She probably loved the response she got from you so thought she'd try it on someone else. Lol.
Wow!!! I LOVE this post... so cute and funny. I love that Presley is so outgoing. What a sweetheart. :)
Ha ha - so sweet! I'd totally try to buy back her affections too. We're going to need some photos of the "love boots" please! :)
Right? I want a pair of those boots for Ava :)
And don't worry - Ava totally works me over, too. She knows just what to say/do to get me cooing over her cuteness!
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