Wednesday, April 28, 2010


When I was in Houston, my Mom decided that Presley was ready for the jumperoo. She loves to stand up, so we thought that this would be the perfect toy. Oh my goodness, she loved it!! As soon as I got home, I pulled the jumperoo we had here out for her. It's so funny. When she gets excited, she jumps like a little crazy woman. It also gives me a chance to get stuff done around the house while she's in it...woo hoo! baby will be 4 months old tomorrow!!! Craziness!! 4 month post to come.


aleelavine said...

Wow!!!! I feel like my little guy is behind.... I can't leave him in anything without supporting him... because he throws himself backwards...!!! We will have to invest in one of these though, it looks like a blast!!!