Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Heart Day 2013

The Souders household celebrated a wonderful Valentine's day. 

All the ladies in the house woke up to this.

I woke up early and made heart shaped pancakes for everyone. Even Harper got a taste or two.

One quick picture before Presley left for school. Both smiling = Happy mommy.

Harper and I on her very 1st Valentines. I took a few pics with my good camera, but havent had a chance to get them on my computer yet.

  The necklaces Brandon made for us. He actually cut out the shapes, and then wrote something special on each one. Mine ( middle one) has "forever and ever, Amen"on the hearts and then the girls initials on each circle. Presley's has "shine bright like a diamond". She loves the song and so fitting. Harper's says "a gift of love from God to me". All lyrics from songs. Such a special gift that we will each cherish.

Then Brandon and I had our Valentine's on Saturday thanks to Grammie and Poppa who are always more than willing to watch the girls. We went to Hibiscus and had steak, lobster, and the best macaroni and cheese I've ever had! Tony Romo also happened to be sitting across from us, so that was pretty cool.

I'm so blessed to have such wonderful little loves. 
Happy Valentine's!


Heather said...

LOVE the necklaces!
The only thing that would have made this post better is for you to have said that you overhead Tony talking about retiring... like tomorrow. :-) Totally kidding! I like him... but I would really like a new QB!

Happy V Day!

Richeson's Hiatus said...

Teary Eyed - Daddy Brandon is such an amazing provider, husband, & father.

much love to the Souders.