Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Harper: 8 Months

Got this picture taken just in the nick of time, seeing as Harper girl will be 9 months in 6 days. I'm already dreading the upcoming picture sessions. This girl does not enjoy laying on her back anymore. I lay her down, and as soon as I step away she has flipped over and taken off. I'm exhausted! And yes, there is a crayon in this picture. Harper was determined to have it, so it stayed.

Harper, you are growing way too fast. I thought you might just be my easy, slow going baby. Boy was I wrong. You are on the move, and you will not be stopped.

Here is what you have been up to at 8 months:
  • You took your very first step 2 days ago. I was in a little bit of shock, and questioned myself. Then you did it again. Clear as day.
  • can stand independently for long periods of time
  • walk yourself around anything you can get hold of. You go round and round the couch and coffee table.
  • Can stand yourself up from a sitting position without holding onto anything.
  • Crawling everywhere and getting faster by the day. You love it when I get on my hands and knees and chase you.
  • Signs "more". Sometimes you do it right, and then other times it just looks like your clapping.
  • Your favorite words are still "dada", "baba", "mama".
  • Waves hello/goodbye
  • Starting show a little bit of a temper. If someone takes something away that you want, we all get screamed at. However, it never takes you long to get over it.
  • You do not like anything that stops you from moving like diaper changes, getting dressed, or being put in your carseat.
  • Right now, you are a super great sleeper. You go to bed at 7:30 and sleep until 8am. 
  • Take 2 naps a day. one at 10:30 and the other at 3:30, just like clockwork. 
  • I occasionally am allowed to rock you, but for the most part just lay you in your crib for naps and bedtime.
  • Wearing 9 months and some 12 months clothes, size 3 diapers, and size 2 shoes.
  • is an awesome eater. She likes everything that I give her, and is a pro at self feeding now.
  • You still love everyone, but prefer to be right by my side when I'm around. 
  • Follow me around wherever I go. When I'm stopped your hanging from my pant leg.
  • And as always, your big sister is your BEST friend!
I can't believe my baby is getting so big! I'm just trying to hang on to these last fleeting moments before you enter toddlerhood. Your sweet, toothy grin lights all of us up. We love you so much, Harper Grace.


Emily said...

So exciting! happy 8 months Harper!