Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Harper:10 Months

 So I thought I was late with all her other monthly posts, but this one takes the cake. Three days before Harper turns 11 months, here is her 10 month post:

Here is what Harper has been up to during her 10th month:
  • She is walking and has been for over a month now.Having two mobile children is a little crazy, but I have actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.
  • Sumo style. This is how we refer to the way Harper stands, walks, and squats. She is very bowlegged, but I think she has to be with all those rolls!
  • Still napping twice a day. One from 10:30am to 12:30pm and another around 3pm until 4:30ish.
  • Sleeps from 7:30pm to 7:30-8am.
  • Takes 4, 6 ounce bottles a day
  • Loves to eat! She wants anything and everything, and enjoys it all. She is pretty much eating everything we eat, just in smaller bites. Being the second child, she has gotten a lot more tastes of  sweets than I would like, but whatever.
  • wearing most 12 months clothes, but can also wear 9months and some 18 months.
  • still in size 3 diapers, but currently wearing size 4. Why? because I have a whole box and don't want to buy.anymore.diapers.!!!!
  • Sister girl has found her voice. She is LOUD! She gets much enjoyment out of hearing herself scream. Oh, and if you make her mad. She isn't shy about letting you know.
  • She is understanding so much now. She knows when she isn't supposed to do something, and will look at me to see if I'm watching her. I personally think it's the cutest things ever. For some reason, trying to stick her fingers in the outlets is a fav.
  • If I tell her it's bath time, she will walk herself into the bathroom and wait by the tub. She also knows what "nap" means and whines every time I say it. Everyday she picks up on more and more words.
  • can identify her nose, mouth, and hair.
  • aside from her usual words (baba, dada, mama), she has started saying, "no, no, no", and  "cat", but thats about it. Her favorite form of communicating is a very high pitched whiny sound. I hear this a lot. Most of the time it's cute. Most of the time...
  • Very into imitating. If I brush my hair, She "brushes" her hair. If I talk on the phone, she puts her hand to her ear...
  • Can NOT fight the urge to dance when music comes on. 
  • Loves to bite me, and pull Presley's hair. She thinks it so funny! I do not. However, I don't think she's intentionally being mean. 
  • Has the most sad, pathetic pouty face in the world. If I give her a stern look when she's doing things she shouldn't (see above), she will curl her lip down. Then look at the ground and back at me and then come the water works. It gets me every time.
  • Loves babies/stuffed animals. She carries them around, snuggles them, and pats their backs. Then hands it over to me to do the same.
  • Is always putting clothes on. No matter what article of clothing it is, she is usually putting it on her head.
  • Still thinks Presley hung the moon. This month they have really been able to play with each other, and it's so nice to watch.
  • Still loves to snuggle with me. She is such a great little cuddle buddy 
As with all these posts, I feel like I can never write enough to truly describe everything that Harper is doing. I just love this stage so much, and am going to soak in every ounce of it I can. She is the best baby, and I feel so blessed to be her Mommy!

Happy 10 Months, HG!