Thursday, April 25, 2013

To Sleep or Not To Sleep

To sleep or not to sleep was this weeks prompt for my Paint the Moon weekly photo challenge. When I saw it, I knew this would be too easy.  If it's up to Presley, NOT to sleep is always the answer. 

Because she had an ear infection, I let her nap in my room. And by nap, I mean stay in a confined space, so I can get something done during the day. 

 To Presley, it means do absolutely anything, but the actual act of taking a nap.

 On the off chance this girl does actually give in and fall asleep...even just for 20 minutes...You can pretty much count on her not falling asleep until 11:00 at night or later.

Is my child the only one like this?


B said...

Ha! I took a picture of Ava dressed only in a tutu laying on the back of the couch - how funny!

And no, you're not alone. We actually let Ava drop her nap at two so that bedtime would be so much easier, and it has been a game changer for us! Now if she accidentally falls asleep (like in the car), bedtime is seriously derailed! It does suck for getting stuff done, though!!

The Fants said...

we're in the same boat!! We're lucky in Bryson naps 3 days a week, but he seriously fights it. He'll play in his room for hours before he turns off the light to go to sleep.
I only wiiiish I had his energy!!

And I loooove your bluebonnet pics!! We tried to take some this week and everything went wrong. haha!

Emily said...

haha - love these! I'm SO lucky because Asher still naps great {knock on wood}