Thursday, January 3, 2013

Birthday Celebration with Grammie and Poppa

And the birthday celebrations just keep coming for this lucky lady...

Grammie and Poppa came over on her birthday, and spoiled her with more presents. I'm not sure what Presley is going to do when she has a day that she doesn't open a present.

We wanted to do something special for P on her birthday since I have yet to plan a party for her. Bad mom, I know. She kept asking to go to the zoo, but with the high barely making it into the 40's, we decided it was too cold. Luckily, Grammie recommended going to the new Perot museum. It was so much fun!

Her very favorite part was getting to race a T-REX, and then a cheetah, and then Felix Jones...
For some reason, she insisted we run with our hands on our hips. She also made everyone go with her, including Grammie and Poppa.

She also loved the earthquake floor that simulated what it felt like to be in an earthquake. I got some really cute video, but accidentally deleted it, boo.

I wasn't planning on getting P another birthday cake since she got one the night before, but she so kindly pointed out {more than once} that she hadn't gotten one today. Feeling guilty, I made a pit stop to Kroger and found the world's creepiest doll cupcake. She liked it.

Happy birthday {day}, sweet P!


B said...

So precious!

I want to go to that museum so badly! I've known five people that have gone in the past week, and I've heard it's excellent all around. Plus, the architecture is amazing!

Emily said...

So fun! {and that really is a creepy cupcake - why do kids like stuff like that?? ha!}

Asher is going through present withdrawal too. He keeps saying "more presents?" "another present?" Guess that's the risk of a Dec birthday. :-)

Richeson's Hiatus said...

She is soooo sweet. I love her admiration for her princess costumes. FAB!!

You guys are such a good looking family.