Monday, January 21, 2013

Harper: 7 Months

This month has been a big month for little Miss H! Which is part of the reason I'm so late on it. I can't keep my eyes off her for one single second. Our life with two mobile children has just gone to a whole new level of crazy!

Here is what Harper has been up to this month:

  • Learned to pull yourself into a sitting position 
  • learned to crawl, and it's the cutest thing! You can crawl normal for a little bit, but then you hop both legs underneath you (very reminiscent of a frog).
  • You also learned to pull yourself into a standing position. Your crib has been lowered, my friend.
  • Now, here's the kicker... You learned to do all of the above in one day. New years day, actually. I guess you were on top of your resolutions.
  • You are getting more hair, and I think it's safe to say that it will be dark. I was blonde and my sister was brunette, so I would love for P & H to be just like us!
  • You have 3 teeth on top now. Two of which came in this month. That makes for a grand total of five teeth.
  • You are eating so many foods, and love ALL fruits and veggies. So far Harper has had: Green beans, Carrots, squash, spinach, peas, lentils, mango, blueberries, strawberries, pears, peaches, bananas, tomatoes, cherries, apples, chicken (not a fan), corn, and a pickle.
  • has started puffs and yogurt melts. You can self feed okay, but you either have a horrible gag reflex or just cant do solids very well yet.
  • This has been a hard month of sleep between the teething and learning all your new skills, but I think we are getting back on track. You still go to bed at 7:30pm, and when you have a good night you will sleep until 7:30-8:30am. We also have one long nap (almost 2 hours) in the morning, and another one late afternoon.
  • Speaking of sleep, when your ready to go your ready. No fight, no fuss. I love putting you to bed.
  • You are in size 3 diapers, and between 9 & 12 month clothes.
  • Learned to clap
  • says Dada and baba a lot. She also says Mama but very very rarely.
  • Has learned object permanence. Now when you throw or drop things on the floor you look all around for them.
  • is still my super easy, laid back, happy happy baby.
My sweet little Harper Grace you are growing WAY too fast! In fact, in 5 days you'll be 8 months (like I said, I'm really late on this post)! You have been such a ray of sunshine. Those huge toothy grins can brighten even the darkest days. We love you so much!!!!


Joeylee said...

Oh my she is beautiful. She has the prettiest eyes.

Karen said...

Yes....her eyes are gorgeous!

B said...

I agree - great eyes are definitely one of your girls' many fortes!!! I can't believe she's already headed towards eight months!!!