Monday, January 14, 2013

Mini Monet

If you know Presley at all, then you are well aware of her love for art. Painting, drawing, cutting, coloring. You name it, she's all about it. I'm not going to deny that I dread her asking to paint. She is the messiest child I know, but she just loves it so much!

Recently, she has been really into drawing. I'm probably just biased, but I have been seriously impressed with some of her recent masterpieces. 

This is her flag with a "really long pole" (I was too lazy too turn the picture around, so I guess it's technically an upside down flagpole).

Her shark. She started to color it in, and then lost interest (once again, it should be horizontal).

Triangle and a rectangle

Her boat (minus the stars. Those are mine).

Her cat

I've also noticed how well she stays in the lines when she colors. She did everything in blue, and I did the purple part.

and my mini Monet doing her thang...

She definitely has it in the genes. Her uncle is Randy Souders (google the name to see his amazing work), and my sister in law, Father in law, and husband are all incredibly talented in the art department.  Fingers crossed she doesn't follow in my footsteps. I had one of my pre-k students tell me that I didn't draw very well if that tells you anything...


Emily said...

I'm impressed too! Especially by the cat - I can totally see it! Asher likes to color...all over the a crazy spaz...for 2 seconds. But that's it. :-)

And I like your stars. Who says you don't have talent? haha