Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday Phone Dump: Thanksgiving Edition

I know. I'm ridiculously behind.  This is just a little mish-mash of Thanksgiving week.

Presley's school had a feast that the parents were invited to. She was very thankful for her cookie.

Very Happy that it was Daddy's last day of work for the Thanksgiving holiday!!!

My little lady accompanying me while I got my hair did.

The only picture I got of both girls together on Thanksgiving. I'm really slacking in the picture taking department.

and the only solo picture I took of Harper on her very 1st Thanksgiving. Ugh, I suck!

After celebrating Thanksgiving with my in law's, we braved the mall for some Black Friday shopping. If I hadn't known what time it was, I would have thought it was just a regular shopping day. Almost every store was open! Even some of the food court.

My sweet nephew,  Landon, and Sister in law came in from Georgia. It was next to impossible to get a picture with them looking. Oh well, maybe next time.

We also had a photo shoot of all the grandkids and grammie and Poppa in their Cowboys gear. Look out DCC! Here's a glimpse into your future.


Emily said...

OMG, that cheerleader outfit slays me. Too cute!!