Monday, December 10, 2012

Video Post: Harper Happenings (6 months)

I feel very guilty that I haven't done Harper's 6 month post (she turned 6 months on the 26th of November). In my defense, the pediatrician can't see her until next week, so I might as well wait until I get all the stats. She has been doing soooooo much lately that I just need to share.

Her most recent trick is crawling backwards and upside down. This is seriously how she gets around. Of course, once the video camera turns on she stops performing, but you get the idea from the very beginning.

However, I don't think it will be long before she's crawling the right way.

This video is over a month old, but shows her sweet happy personality. She is such a JOY!

I've noticed Harper has been experimenting with a lot more sounds. She seems to prefer "dadadada". This does not mean that Dada is her 1st word. Just sayin'.