Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6 Months!

My sweet P is half a year old or six months, either way it sounds old. Seriously, it's not possible that I now have a big girl. Nope not at all. I mean there's no way my baby now has 2 teeth, or that she is getting up on her knees and rocking. I'm also pretty sure there is no way that she's a sitter, growing out of 3-6 months, eating solids, reaching out and has mastered a fake cough and cry! No way, Jose! And...I'm pretty sure she is not pulling herself up into a STANDING position. Holy Cow! Where did my baby go?

Dear P,

We love you so much! Thank you for your daily love pats, sweet singing, super tight neck hugs and open mouth kisses. Our lives would not be near as full without you.

(I'm out of town so six month stats and pics will have to come later)


aleelavine said...

HAPPY 6 MONTHS PRESLEY!!! Slow down and don't grow up so fast.. :)

Rene' said...

Happy half birthday sweet girl!!!