Friday, March 25, 2011

Finding the Time...

Well folks,

I finally have time to sit down and write a post, and of course, our Internet is down. Geeze! I was really hoping to blog all about the shower I threw for my sister in law ( back in februray),our trip to Houston, My friends engagement party etc. I guess I could write about them, but I really really want to have pics with my post. Therefore, they will get pushed back with the millions of other things that I still have yet to write about. One day, I will find the time!

Next weekend we are celebrating my grandmother's 90th birthday, so I'll probably be away for awhile again. 90, can you believe it?!? I feel so blessed to have such an amazing woman in my life. She really is amazing, by the way. She works out more than I do. Anywhoo, I'm off to be put on hold by our Internet provider for the next 30 minutes.

Happy Friday!


B said...

This comment may post 1000 times, since now MY internet is going nuts. Hopefully yours gets all squared away!

90?! How awesome! Lucky that you and sweet P have such longevity to look forward to :)

BTW - email me about the camera when it's up and running again. No rush :P

aleelavine said...

I hate when our internet is down. Ours works at home, but cuts in and out because everytime I try to batch upload pictures to my Smugmug, it quits. So then I have to only do like 10 at a time. PAIN!!!

Anyway, Happy 90th to your Grandmother. That is so cool that she's still in your life!!!! :) And sounds like a great woman at that.

Can't wait to see pics from all your shtuff. Love your pics!