Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's Happening at 15 Months?

 Technically, Miss Priss turned 15 months on the 29th, but we had our well visit today. Here are her current percentages:

Weight: 20.11 lbs/ 9%
Height: 30.5 inches/ 45%
Head: I forgot and they never write it down anymore.

Looks like she's still my little petite princess.Please don't let her size fool you. She has attitude personality the size of Texas. We are going through a bit of a rough phase right now. She is testing me a lot, starting to throw more fits, and is not napping. This has only been going on for a week and a half, but it feels like an eternity. The good news is I had a long talk with my pediatrician, and I feel so much better about the whole thing. I LOVE my pediatrician!!!

Presley has also been struggling with constipation since she started whole milk. Because of her tiny size, we cant afford to cut out anymore milk, so she is taking a half dose of Miralax everyday starting today. I'm praying this works because it's awful to see her in pain.

Presley also still struggles with sleep. She still cries every time we lay her down for nap or bedtime. Most of the time it's just for a minute, but sometimes it's a little more dramatic. She just doesn't like to stop. She has been that way since she was born. The good news is once she's asleep, she sleeps all night (unless she's constipated..please work, miralax). It's really time for her to get better about going to bed, so we're are enforcing a strict schedule. Sometimes she sleeps until 8, 9, or even 10. this, but it's over. I'll be getting her up the same time everyday, and putting her down to nap the same time. I love to go to lunch with my friends or meet Brandon, but her sleep habits are more important. That's going to have to stop for now since her new CONSISTENT nap time will be noon (yuck)! We are also starting to role play with her dolly. We give her hugs and kisses and tuck her in. We tell the dolly "night-night" and then praise the dolly for going to bed like a big girl. Hopefully, all of this will help.Her one year molars are finally starting to come in, so this is also causing some sleep issues.

Enough with the serious stuff! Here's some of the fun things Miss P has been up to:
  • Presley is talking a ton. She says new words every day, and I am constantly impressed with how much she absorbs. Her new favorite words are: Shower, turtle, flower, socks, hat, hot (then we blow on whatever it is), open (which she pronounces "Ebby"), outside, Elmo, cracker, Night night (maybe not her favorite, but she says it alot), and thank you
  • She loves making animal sounds especially barking, mooing, and quacking. If you ask what an animal says, she will usually tell you.
  • She loves to try and dress/ undress herself. She even attempts to put on her diaper, which is hilarious to watch.
  • She is a kissing and hugging machine. Every time she's around her friends she is usually kissing or hugging them until they cry.
  • She is showing signs of jealousy. When I pick up my friends babies, she cries or pushes them away from me. Sometimes I like to torture her with this;)
  • A dancing fool
  • Really really loves to be around people and kids.She's very social, and waves to everyone!
That's a long enough post for now. Crazy my baby is 15 months already. Sass, attitude, personality or what have you...I sure am blessed to have her in my life!


B said...

Aww, so precious! That's great how much she's talking! I can't wait until Ava talks - totally jealous! Right now she just says a handful of random words, including things like conga and backpack. Damn you, Dora!

Emily said...

Asher has been starting to push his limits too. Many more tantrums and testing what I'll allow. I guess that's toddlers for us!

Good luck with the new nap schedule. Sometimes I get frustrated having to be home for Asher's nap, but he is SOOO much happier when he gets his nap every day - it's worth it! :-) I'm sure Presley will adjust quickly and be all that more pleasant as a result. Let us know how it goes!

Heather said...

I think we would be in BIG trouble if we got our girls together! Hadlea is all about the tantrums and jealousy... she pushes my buttons DAILY, if not hourly! :)

Rene' said...

Sleep is a big issue for us as well. Those darn molars have been such a pain! It feels like Jack is now working on his second set already!! I'll be happy to be done with teething for good.

I'm impressed with her vocabulary! P is such a smart and beautiful girl, even if she is a bit sassy. ;)

aleelavine said...

I am SO behind on reading everyone's blogs, but man... Miss P sounds so grown up already. It is so bittersweet!!!!

I am sooo impressed with P's speaking. B is just starting to mimic and isn't very consistent with that even. :) Looking forward to Momma !!!

She is so sweet, Ashlie. I love to see new pictures of your gorgeous baby. :)
Happy 15 months, belated!

Kelly said...

Adorable picture!! :) Wish you lived closer, her and Kenzie are a lot a like!