Monday, May 7, 2012

9 Months {36 weeks}

How far along? 36 Weeks (I'm late on this post, so I'm now in my 37th week)
Total Weight Gain? My appointments have switched from every 2 weeks to every week, so I have 2 weigh-in's to report. I gained 3 lbs. at one, and then lost a few ounces at the last one I had. Finally, a loss!
Maternity clothes? Still not really wearing anything maternity, but nothing fits. I HATE getting dressed, but refuse to buy anything new with so little time left.
Stretch marks? None yet. 
Sleep: ugh, nighttime sucks! I am constantly peeing and super uncomfortable.
Best moment this month: Lots of progress on the nursery, finding out my previa has resolved, loosing weight, and my baby shower. So that was like was a good month!
Miss Anything? sleep
Movement: so much, especially at night.
Food cravings: Ice...I have to crunch ice all the time. I have a preference for sonic, but any crushed ice will do.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: She's still a girl!
 Labor Signs: Nothing yet
 Symptoms: Apparently, I have been experiencing heartburn. I've never had it before, but always imagined it would be some sort of burning sensation. I have had this feeling of food or a pill stuck in my throat for a few months now. It never really hurt, but was super annoying. I finally googled the symptom and turns out it's heart burn. Tums have been a lifesaver!
Belly Button in or out? I am officially the proud owner of an outie! I never fully popped out with Presley, but it did this time around. I must say, it feels kind of good to know I have a super clean belly button.
Wedding rings on or off? On:)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy...when I can keep my eyes open.  
Looking forward to: LABOR....I'm ready to meet this sweet baby girl!


anika♥Lee said...

I use Picasa for collages now that Picnik is no longer. boo :(
Pic Monkey is pretty cool, similar things that Picnik had, but they don't have collages, yet!!!

You are ADORABLE still... :)

getting excited to meet miss Harper!!!!

B said...

It's getting closer! How exciting! David and I are both late May babies (the 27th and 30th), and I can attest to it being awesome :)

Somehow I missed that your previa resolved!!!! WONDERFUL news!!!!

Richeson's Hiatus said...

Hi Ashlie! You are such a gorgeous mommy!

Your pics are too cute! You inspired me to start a blog for our little one.

PS - Photoshop collage isn't that bad to learn, just takes the time to learn...that we don't have ;)

Anna & Kirby said...

I stopped over from Kellys Korner and just wanted to say congrats! I'm 35 weeks and I used Picnik too for collages. Now I use iPiccy... works almost just like Picnik :)