Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Phone Dump

Playing outside in the sprinkler

This is Presley's pouty pants pose. We were trying to get her to model the apron dress Grammie sewed for her. She was NOT in the mood.

This is the life. Soaking my feet in the inflatable pool and getting a pedicure from Presley.

Scootin' around the neighborhood.

Every few minutes she would stop and tell me we needed to think about which way we wanted to go. Then she would make this face...

Big sister Presley, Little sister Harper :)

Presley is one serious taco eater. Our love for Mexican food has definitely been passed along to her.

Getting ready to go down the big slide at Bouncin' Around.
  This picture cracks me up. Presley is elated after a successful trip down the big slide, and her poor friend, Hayley, got a mouthful of inflatable bounce house. Can you see her little booty in the air? She was okay, just a little shaken up.

You have probably noticed a drastic decline in Presley's clothes and hairdo's this week. I'm just too tired to mess with it at this point. Once baby gets here it will probably only get worse...


Emily said...

I love the big/little shirts! Where did you get them?

Also, does Presley hire out? I could use a poolside foot rub myself. :-)

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!