Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Almost there...

I can see the finish line!

 Today, I am 39 weeks and 2 days. Woo Hoo!

I saw my OB today, and I am 3 centimeters dilated and the baby's head is nice and low. Now, I just sit around and wait some more. The doc seemed pretty sure she would see me this weekend, but you never know. 
Here is a quick recap of the past couple of weeks:
 Sleep sucks, I've been having Braxton hicks like crazy, no stretch marks YET (i'm still concerned about jinxing myself),  I pee all.the.time., I can not make it through the day without a nap, especially on the days I have bootcamp, I haven't gained any weight this month, I am obsessed with crunching ice and toxic smells (gasoline, spray paint etc.), but overall I feel pretty good all things considered. 

Oh my sweet Harper girl, 
We are so excited to meet you! I can not wait to see you, touch you, smell you for the first time. Please don't make me wait to much longer.
Your impatient Momma


Brittani said...

You look great. I bet she is here by Friday!

Bri said...

Exciting!!!!! Fingers crossed for a quick - and easy, even though that term is relative when describing labor - arrival!

B said...

Just realized I was logged into the wrong account before - oops!

Emily said...

You look great! C'mon baby Harper!!!