Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!

Presley had quite the 1st birthday starting the minute she woke up. Let's rewind to the night before...

We put Presley to bed, kissed her goodnight and reminded her that when she woke up she would be a BIG one year old. At about midnight, she started crying. I assumed she must have known it was her birthday day and was ready to party. You can't blame a girl for that. Well, she kept on and got more and more hysterical. I decided to go get her out of bed. When I picked her up, I could tell her little tummy was bothering her. I put her in the bath to try and ease what I thought was gas. After a little while, she seemed to be feeling a bit better. I rocked her back to sleep and laid her down.

In the mean time, Brandon was down stairs putting a kitchen together for P. I left the monitor with him since he was still up, and went to bed. A few minutes later Presley starting crying again, so Brandon headed up stairs. By the time he got to the door, she had stopped.

Fast forward to 8:30am...

Presley woke us up with her normal chattering, and I ran downstairs to get her bottle made. I wanted her to have a full belly, and clean diaper when we brought her down to see everyone on her birthday (we were at my parents in Houston). I ran back up the stairs and noticed Brandon had gotten Presley out of bed and had a very strange look on his face. Here is the conversation that followed:

Me: "whats the matter"?
Brandon: "I think she threw up".
Me: "What makes you think that"?
Brandon: "Well, I checked her diaper and there isn't anything coming out of it".
Me: (I grab Presley and realize she is covered in dried throw up. Then immediately run to her crib for further confirmation. Yep. confirmed). " Oh my gosh Brandon, I feel terrible. She slept all night long in her throw up...on her birthday.."
Brandon: (turns to Presley) " It's okay P. I've woken up in my own vomit on a few of my birthday's too".

Seriously, though, I felt like such a horrible mother. My poor baby. I guess she threw up, felt better, and went right to sleep.

We got off to a bit of a rough start, but Presley was in the best mood (I think she just got sick from all the food she'd been consuming). She saw her kitchen (which technically stays at my parents house) and played with it all morning. After her nap, we loaded up the family and took Presley to a play place by my parent's house (forgot the name). It is pretty much a large open space with all kinds of kid friendly things to play with. Presley spent most of the time just running around and then going up and down the stairs.

The kiddos were exhausted after all that running around, so back down for naps they went. Then it was time for cake. We decided it would be best to get my nephew Jackson his own cake and balloons, as well. We sang happy birthday to him, and then to Presley.

She thouroughly enjoyed her cake. You can find the cake pics here if you missed my post. We ended her birthday by treating her to Lupe Tortillas. This is our favorite place to eat, and a birthday tradition (the first time I brought Brandon home to meet my parents, we took him there. My dad thought it would be funny to have them sing "happy birthday" to Brandon even though it wasn't his birthday. They bring out a big hat and it's pretty embarrasing. Just one of the many initiations he had to go through while joining our family).
I really wanted a picture of her in front of the Lupe's sign, but she was pretty much done for the night. We got home and opened up a couple more presents then put our toddler baby to bed.

So far the big "ONE" has been so much fun!

(Sorry for all the posts recently. We were out of town for a week and a half and have a ton to get caught up on. P's big birthday party is this Saturday, so I'll be super busy later this week).


aleelavine said...

Sounds like P had a great birthday!!!! So much fun!!!! Does P eat Mexican???

B said...

Great pictures! It looks like we did the same thing for our girls' birthdays - we took A to a local baby gym/inflatable world and she went bonkers! Too cute!

The Fants said...

Brandon has awesome comments! :) Poor baby for getting sick though, yuck.

Happy birthday, Presley!! Hope y'all/she has an awesome party this weekend!!

Emily said...

Yay for having a good birthday despite the rough start. Brandon's commentary is priceless, really. :o)

P has the best smile!! Happy birthday sweet girl!

Rene' said...

I agree that Brandon's comments are the best!! I literally laughed out loud!

I'm glad you fuys had a fun day. I LOVE that first picture. And those cake eating pictures are to die for! She sure enjoyed herself, as every girl should on her birthday. :)