Monday, October 1, 2012

Tall Tales

Presley is really into making up stories and songs. I get such a kick out of the things she comes up with.  

Here is a short story she told me the other day:

"Want to hear a story? It's about a princess who's tall like Daddy. She could reach the tallest air conditioner".

Then just this morning, she began her story with:
"When I was a snowman..."
Now you know that's going to be an interesting one. I, honestly, don't know where she comes up with some of this stuff???

And one of her songs I managed to get on video. She made me lay down on the couch, so she could sing me to sleep. She was singing so quiet that I had a hard time making out the words. It starts out with her singing about the bible, and then mentions "sometimes Mommy is a princess". Smart girl, ha!
Please, please, please forgive my gigantic mess of a playroom. We have WAY too many toys!


anika♥Lee said...

The mind of a child is so awesome, isn't it?? :) Such a sweet song!!! so cute!!! And believe me, I know all about too many toys. We are trying to downsize them.