Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh Holy Cuteness...

 I apologize, but today I am THAT Mom. You know, the one who is completely bragadocious over all the cute things their child is doing. Wait...maybe I'm THAT Mom quite a bit. Oh well, enjoy the cuteness!

 This video is super short, but I think it's so stinkin cute to watch her sign "more"...

 Presley loves to play Peek-a-boo with us now. I love it equally as much, if not more. Pardon the fussiness at the end of the video...

By the way, it's DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Emily said...

I'm totally "that" mom every day on my blog - that's why we have these!

I love the videos! Great signing Miss P!

Rene' said...

Awesome signing!! I'm always amazed when I see babies signing. Do you use any signing DVD's? I wasn't sure I really wanted to put in the time to teach Jack, but the more I see other babies signing, the more I want to do it! I'm afraid if I wait too long, it'll be too late!

B said...

Awww, super cute!!!!

You can totally be that mom anytime you want - I am too :)

Mommy Tay said...

Super Cute! Great job signing little P! Oh and I am always that mom! Hehee!

aleelavine said...

OMG P is SO damn cute. Ashlie, seriously... you have all the reason in the world to be THAT mom!! :) I love the videos!!!!! I love that Presley is signing... seriously, I try with B but I think we need to try harder .. or he's just super lazy and wants everything to be done for him.. along with mind reading. LOL Does P hold her own bottle?