Friday, March 2, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

Since we have been under the weather around here, I didn't take very many pics for my Friday Phone dump. Instead, I thought I would share some of my favorite things at the moment.

1. Natural life Handkerchief Headband (
 These headbands are really wide, so they give the look of a handkerchief/bandanna. Which is great for covering up unwashed hair or grown out roots. Not that I would ever have roots or unwashed hair, I'm just sayin';). I have the pink/orange tie dye.

2. Terra Sweet Potato Chips with sea salt
 If you like sweet potato fries, you will love these chips! Just to warn you, they are highly addictive. I bought the big bag from Cost Co and wish I hadn't. I need someone to hide them from me...

3. Tom's Flats
I haven't bought a pair yet because I can't decided which ones I want. They are a bit pricier than the original Tom's, so I'm trying to figure out which pair I will wear the most. I really like the black and burlap combo or one of the cheetah prints. Hmmmm...

4. Twilight Ladybug by Cloud B (nightlight)
Presley has been a little scared of the dark ever since we switched her to the toddler bed. My friend gave this to her almost a year ago, and I decided to pull it out. It's been a huge hit with Presley. It projects stars all over the wall and ceiling, and you can choose from 3 different colors. Presley always requests Purple (even though I think it's technically blue).

5. BBSlen Wrap Conversion Ring Sling by Sleeping Baby Productions (

I am so excited to start using this with baby Harper! I did a ton of research on ring slings and sleeping baby productions kept getting rave reviews. I wanted something that had really good shoulder support and that I could also use with Presley (hip hold).  I ordered it on a Saturday (custom made), and it was shipped out that Monday! There are lots of slings out there (some less expensive), but I would highly advise you to do your research before you buy one. The right sling/carrier can make a world of difference for you and baby.

Well, that about wraps it up. I would love to hear some of your favorite things right now!


Heather said...

Umm...I'm certain Cinnamon Sugar Pita Chips would be a favorite!

B said...

I'm very interested to hear what you think of that sling - I didn't like my last one, and well, there could potentially be another baby in our family in the next year or never know ;)

We have that ladybug, too! A friend gave it to Ava for her birthday, and she LOVES. And she, too, requests "purple"!

Love the burlap/black flats - thinking of getting some too!

B said...

Oh, and since I gave up sweets for Lent (kill me, pls!), I've eaten like fifty bags of salt and vinegar chips. I'm hooked.

Brittani said...

You could have had my ring sling. It is just like that.